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Vitebsk. Museum of the History of Private collecting.



Belarus, Vitebsk, ave. Frunze, 13





The Museum of the History of Private Collecting is a branch of the Vitebsk Regional Museum of Local Lore. It is located in the historical center of Vitebsk in a building that was built in 1897-1898 to ensure the operation of the Vitebsk tram, which became the first in Belarus and one of the first in the Russian Empire. In the museum you can see the most interesting objects from the collections of prominent collectors of Vitebsk in the 19th and 20th centuries. Among them are weapons, porcelain, sculpture, embroidery, awards, coins from around the world, smoking pipes, and more.







Latitude: 55.1923521
Longitude: 30.2092263


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Reviews to the Place


Ольга Ерёменко


Museum of the History of Private Collecting in Vitebsk.

The Museum of the History of Private Collecting in Vitebsk is a unique institution located in the building of a former power plant built in 1897-1898 to ensure the operation of the city tram. The museum has become home to a variety of collections collected by the residents of the city over the years.

The exhibition is based on collections that reflect the rich history of private collecting in the region. One of the most significant is the collection of Vaclav Fedorovich, which is considered one of the best in the Russian Empire and includes items related to Freemasonry.

Anton Bordovsky is another well-known collector who has collected a variety of art objects, which are also represented in the museum.

The numismatic gallery of the museum includes tokens, coins and various awards left after Ivan Galkevich, which highlights the richness of the numismatic heritage of the region. In addition, the exhibition features hundreds of other antique objects that have been preserved thanks to the efforts of local historians.

The Museum of the History of Private Collecting also hosts various interactive exhibitions, workshops, and quests. There is another interesting object in the immediate vicinity of the museum — Dukhovskoy Kruglik, which adds an additional cultural context to visiting this unique place.

The Museum of the History of Private Collecting in Vitebsk is an important center for the preservation and popularization of the cultural heritage of the region. You can have an interesting and useful time here.


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