Novaya Mysh. Catholic cemetery.
Belarus, Brest region, Baranovichi district, Novaya Mysh
In the village of Novaya Mysh, Baranovichi district, there are several places of worship in the historical center. Also, ancient Catholic cemeteries have been preserved to our time, where there is a wooden chapel built in the traditions of folk wooden architecture. The chapel is one-round, rectangular in plan.
There are also a number of graves from the 19th to the beginning of the 20th century: stone pedestals and chapels, granite tombstones and metal images and crucifixes. The cemetery is of interest to professional historians and antiquarians.



Architectural monument
Latitude: 53.1400651
Longitude: 25.8926533
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1Алег Дзьячкоу
Novaya Mysh. Catholic cemetery.
Near the town of Baranovichi, just one kilometer from the M–1 highway, there is the ancient village of Novaya Mysh on the Myshanka river. Many historical monuments and artifacts have been preserved in the village to this day.
On the former Shopping Square in the historical center there is a 17th-19th century catholic church, a 19th-century Orthodox church, a monument to the poet Jan Chechot behind the church, an old stone tavern near the square, a synagogue, a mass grave of Soviet soldiers and partisans, and much more.
Ancient Catholic cemetery have also been preserved in the village. There is a wooden chapel in the cemetery, one-round, rectangular in plan. There are a number of graves from the 19th to the early 20th century. Stone pedestals and chapels, granite tombstones and metal images and crucifixes have been preserved.
How to get to the cemetery: at the entrance to the village along Baranovichskaya Street, and then along Sadovaya or Slonimskaya, almost to the end of the village.
The Mysh was first mentioned in the 15th century during the time of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and was part of the Novogrudok district. In the 16th century, the property of the magnate Jan Karol Khodkevich, who hails from these places. In the neighboring village of Staraya Mysh, Castle Hill has been preserved on the site of the castle where the outstanding commander was once born.
The village was destroyed by wars and fires more than once, but it rebelled and rebuilt. And many ancient monuments have been preserved here to our time.
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