Kossovo. Catholic chapel.
Belarus, Brest region, Ivatsevichi district, Kossovo
A Catholic chapel, built in 1859, has been preserved at the entrance to the town of Kossovo from the direction of Ivatsevichi. It is located in an ancient rural cemetery.


Architectural monument
Latitude: 52.7476
Longitude: 25.1745
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Reviews to the Place
1Ольга Ерёменко
Catholic chapel in Kossovo.
Kossovo is a small town with a population of about 2,500 people. It is located 15 kilometers from Ivatsevichi in the Brest region. This settlement is famous not only for the Puslovsky castle and the catholic church, but also for a unique Catholic cemetery with a chapel.
Tourists vacationing in the Brest region often stay here. This small rubble stone building is considered a monument of the retrospective Gothic style and has been standing in the cemetery since 1859.
The cemetery, located to the right of the road, has many graves dating back to the 19th century. The chapel was built on the grave of the local priest Adam Dmokhovsky. With its style, it resembles the Kolozhskaya Church in Grodno: stones of different shades were used in the construction of the walls.
The rectangular chapel is decorated with small turrets at the corners, and old tombstones are built into its walls, on which inscriptions in Polish are read. There are numerous crosses with inscriptions in Polish around the building.
Chapel looks like a small medieval fortress. The compact, rectangular building is covered with a gable roof. In the corners of the chapel, the architect installed octagonal pillars topped with violets with crosses. The rubble masonry has pleasant color shades: a variety of dark tones of stones from different eras give this place a certain gloom and solemnity. The plastered baseboard of the window openings stands out against the background of the masonry: for the entrance in the form of a bow and the rest of the arched ones, both single and triple. A bow arch is a truncated shape whose height is less than the radius. These architectural elements indicate belonging to the Gothic style. Inside the chapel, the ceiling is supported by cross vaults on auxiliary arches.
This is a wonderful example of Gothic architecture, and anyone traveling through Belarus and passing through Kossovo can be recommended to visit this Catholic chapel.
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