Zheludok. Synagogue.
Belarus, Grodno region, Shchuchynsky district, Zheludok, str. Batyreva, 9.
The village of Zheludok will pleasantly surprise you with its abundance of ancient monuments of history and architecture. There is also a palace-park complex of local princes and magnates with many unusual farm buildings, an ancient brick church. The brick synagogue and mikva, located in the very center of the town, have also survived to our time.

On restoration

Architectural monument

Latitude: 53.6004393
Longitude: 24.9823585
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1Алег Дзьячкоу
Zheludok. Synagogue.
Representatives of different nations and religions have lived in peace and harmony on the territory of Belarus since ancient times. Representatives of the Jewish people, who have lived here for centuries, play an important role in the history of Belarusians. After joining the Russian Empire, Jews were forbidden to own land and were ordered to move to cities and towns. And in the 19th century, 50-70 percent of the population of Belarusian cities were Jews. The same situation was with the town of Zheludok. Before the revolution, there were several synagogues here, and one of them, built near the former market square, has survived to this day.
The synagogue was built in the late 19th – early 20th century. The temple building is made of brick. During the Soviet era, the synagogue was closed and given to a local club. At the same time, the main façade of the synagogue was significantly rebuilt. But if you go around the building, you can see the beautiful brick decor of the synagogue from the side façades, which has survived to this day. Researchers note that the synagogue was built in the Art Nouveau style. Not far from the synagogue, the building of the former mikvah has been preserved. Mikvah is a special structure in Jewish culture, in which ritual purification with water takes place. On the outskirts of the city there is an ancient Jewish cemetery.
The most famous representative of the Jewish diaspora in Zheludok is the painter, sculptor and graphic artist, representative of the Parisian school, Pinchus Kremegne (1890 – 1981).
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