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Zhabinka. The Church of St. Nikita.



Belarus, Brest region, Zhabinka





A monument of wooden architecture, the Church of St. Nikita was built in 1502 on the right bank of the Mukhavets River. It was rebuilt several times, including in 1787. After the reconstruction, it acquired the features of the Baroque.
It is included in the List of Historical and Cultural Values of the Republic of Belarus. The church was built in the traditions of Western Polessky architecture, one of the two types of Polessky architectural school, which claims to be included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.
On January 15, 2022, St. Nikita's Church turned 520 years old!




Architectural monument

Architectural monument


Latitude: 52.19671837
Longitude: 24.05926822


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Reviews to the Place


Ольга Ерёменко


The monument of wooden architecture is the Church of St. Nikita, built in 1502 on the right bank of the Mukhavets River.

Nikitinsky Temple is the only one in the whole of Belarus. The heavenly protector of the temple is the Holy Great Martyr Nikita Gotsky, who lived in the 4th century on the right bank of the Danube River. Human tradition has preserved the mention that the name of the church is associated with a man named John Gurin, and the name of the village itself was mentioned in the chronicles in 1005 among the villages that make up the Principality of Turov. John Gurin built a church here in 1502 in honor of his deceased father Nikita Gurin and in honor of the Great Martyr Nikita.

  The church consists of three rectangular volumes: the main porch and the apse. The roof is multi-pitched, topped with a small drum with a head. On the sides of the apse are narrow low sacristy rooms with a single-pitched roof. In the 19th century, a frame vestibule was built near the entrance. The walls are vertical, covered with wooden planks and reinforced with screeds. The windows are tall and rectangular.  

Not far from the church there is a two-tiered, frame, square bell tower under a tent. The beautiful belfry is the pride of Nikitin temple. It's like the turret of an old castle. Today, two bells are called for the service, and earlier there were more of them. According to the stories, the bells, along with other valuables, were taken to the hinterland of Russia during the war. To save a few from the Germans, they buried them on the banks of the Mukhavets River, but since ships were sailing along it, the riverbed increased, and the bells of the early 20th century presumably "fell silent" at the bottom of the river.

In its entire history, the temple has never been closed. Seeing the antiquity of this holy temple, it was even spared by Soviet officials during the years of godlessness. The Nikitinsky Church complex is characterized by its monumentality, good proportions, and architectural and artistic expressiveness.

In 1787, the church underwent major repairs. During the last renovation in 1830, an iconostasis appeared in the interior. In the center of the wooden single-tiered iconostasis is the royal gate, which is highlighted by through-the-wall wooden carvings.

The temple is built of oak. The temple walls are very sturdy. It was built on a foundation consisting of large boulders. There is still a large boulder in the altar part of the temple. Ventilation is very wisely thought out so that the floor in the temple does not rot. 

Above the royal gates there is the icon "The Last Supper", on the sides there are two main icons - "The Mother of God Hodegetria" and "The Savior Pantokrator". Over time, the icons on the iconostasis have darkened, but the faces of the saints depicted on them have not been erased. 

The church was laid on the day of the Great Martyr and Victorious George. Saint George with a spear in his hand is depicted to the left of the north gate of the iconostasis. His memorial day is May 6. This is a special holiday for the local parishioners.

Previously, the interior of St. Nicholas Church was decorated with another icon of the Mother of God "Hodegetria of Jerusalem", painted on two pine boards, decorated with a gilded background with floral ornaments. This icon is one of the best works of ancient Belarusian painting of the 16th century. It is currently on display at the Museum of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.

This church was often visited by representatives of the Kosciuszko family. For example, Commander Tadeusz Kosciuszko's father came to Zditovo many times and he was also buried in this church.

St. Nikita's Church, together with its two-tiered bell tower, harmoniously combines with the surrounding natural landscape and creates an impression of peace and quiet.


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