Zditovo. Memorial complex "Zditovskaya oborona".
Belarus, Brest region, Berezovsky district, Zditovo.
There is a memorial complex called "Zditovskaya Oborona" in the Berezovsky district in the town of Zditovo. The memorial was created in 1975 by architect V. Pak and sculptor V. Klimenko. In the spring of 1944, the Nazi invaders deployed large military formations to the area to combat the partisan movement: tanks and armored vehicles with aircraft were used. But the partisans managed to hold out and the Nazis failed to destroy the guerrilla zone.

Latitude: 52.4235389
Longitude: 25.25578767
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1Алег Дзьячкоу
Zditovo. Memorial complex "Zditovskaya oborona".
A memorial complex dedicated to the events of the Great Patriotic War called "Zditovskaya Oborona" has been created in the town of Zditovo, Bereza district.
The memorial includes a cannon, a wall-stele with the names of the dead, a triangular block with a laurel wreath and a sculpture of a Partisan.
During the war, partisan detachments were located in the Sporovo marshes near Zditovo. Among other things, the headquarters of the Brest partisan movement, the Brest Underground Regional Committee of the Communist Party, were located here. The editorial offices of the regional and regional newspapers "Zarya" (Dawn) and "Plamya" (Flame) also worked here.
In the spring of 1944, the Nazi invaders deployed large military formations to the area to combat the partisan movement. In particular, tanks and armored vehicles with aircraft were used.
On April 3, the Nazis launched an offensive. The partisans and about 10,000 civilians were surrounded. When the partisans ran out of ammunition, it was decided to withdraw to the second line of defense. The Nazis failed to eliminate the partisan zone. The invaders lost 600 people killed and wounded during this punitive operation.
In honor of these heroic events, a memorial complex was created in 1975, the authors of which are the architect V. Pak and the sculptor V. Klimenko.
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