Zblyany. Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary Intercession.
Belarus, Grodno region, Lida district, Zblyany
In the town of Zblyany, Lida district, which is located on the very bank of the Neman River, there is a stone church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The first wooden Orthodox church was built in the 17th century at the expense of Princess Radziwill. In 1900, a new stone church in the Byzantine style was built. The uplane temple has the shape of a cross. The building consists of several parts: a vestibule, a prayer hall and an apse. A bell tower is built over the narthex. The church is active.


Architectural monument
Latitude: 53.61017225
Longitude: 25.25126824
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1Алег Дзьячкоу
Zblyany. Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary Intercession.
In the Lida district, on the very bank of the Neman River, there is a small village of Zblyany, which is home to about a hundred people. In the center of the village stands the stone Orthodox church of the Blessed Virgin Mary Intercession.
For the first time, historical sources recall this place in the 15th century in connection with the events of the time of King Casimir. At that time, Zblyany belonged to the Grand Duke of Lithuania. In the 16th century, the place passed to the new owners, the magnates of the Radziwills. In the first half of the 17th century, there were 62 courtyards, a Uniate church and an inn. In the middle of the 17th century, the place suffered greatly during the war between the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Kingdom of Moscow. In the second half of the 17th century, Ludovika Karolina Radziwill, who was a well-known philanthropist, financed the construction of an Orthodox church in Zblyany. After the third partition of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, these lands passed to the Russian Empire.
At the beginning of the 19th century, Dominik Radziwill owned this region, and then his daughter Stefania. After Stephanie's marriage to Lev Wittgenstein, the place passed to the new owners of the Wittgensteins, who were among the wealthiest landowners in the Russian Empire.
After the ban of the Uniate Church in 1839, the church passed to the Orthodox believers. And in 1900, a large new stone Church of the Intercession was built, which has survived to our time.
It was decided to build a stone church in 1897 by the Vilno Provincial Committee. The building was built with public funds and the money of the parishioners. The church was built in the pseudo–Byzantine style. The church is fenced with a stone fence.
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