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Zaosie. Adam Mickiewicz Estate Museum.



Belarus, Brest region, Baranovichi district, Zaosye.





The brilliant Belarusian and Polish poet Adam Mickiewicz (1798-1855) was born in the village of Zaosye (Baranovichi district, Brest region).
In 1998, excavations were carried out and the manor was restored, in which a museum was opened, representing a noble court of the second half of the 18th century. The exhibition is based on the poem "Pan Tadeusz".




Park area

Park area



Architectural monument

Architectural monument








Latitude: 53.27866046
Longitude: 26.1153984


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Алег Дзьячкоу


Zaosie. Adam Mickiewicz Estate Museum.

If you are traveling around the Novogrudok region, you will be interested in visiting Zaosie, where the world-famous poet Adam Mickiewicz was born in 1798. The first written mention of Zaosie dates back to 1775. The owner of the estate was the poet's father, Nikolai Mickiewicz. It was here on Christmas Eve from December 24 to 25 that Adam Mickiewicz was born. The great poet spent his childhood in this wooden house. As a young man and a student, he spent time here with his friends and brothers during his student years during the summer holidays. During the First World War, in the summer of 1916, the small wooden house where the poet was born burned down. After some time, Polish soldiers erected a small monument on this site.

As the 200th anniversary of Adam Mickiewicz approached, a decision was made to reconstruct the estate in Zaosie and create a museum. Archaeological excavations were conducted and the foundations of the former noble estate were found, on which the current museum building was restored. The museum opened its doors to visitors in September 1998.

The museum is a manor house with outbuildings from the 18th century. There is a barn, a shed, a threshing floor, a bathhouse near a pond, a well-crane, flower beds and a fence. The estate itself is located in a lowland on both sides of the fields, only on one side rises a huge mountain, which Mickiewicz mentions in his poems. There are also small groves of pine and deciduous trees. The estate willingly opens its doors to guests. The exhibition is based on the poem "Pan Tadeusz". The museum staff makes great efforts to acquire original items from the 18th and 19th centuries for the museum, so that each visitor has the opportunity to feel the atmosphere of the house of those old times.

Adam Mickiewicz is a world-famous Belarusian and Polish poet, communist activist, political and public figure, educator, and participant in the national liberation movement. He was a member of the Philomath and Philaret student circles of Vilnius University. He glorified his homeland, the Novogrudok region, in his historical works "Pan Tadeusz", "Dziady", "Grazyna" and many other works of his genius. He is buried in Krakow, Poland, in the Wawel Royal Castle.


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