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Yurovichi. Church and College of Jesuits.



Belarus, Gomel Region, Kalinkavitsky District, Yuravichi.





One of the most beautiful Catholic churches in the Gomel region is the Jesuit church and college in Yurovichi near Mozyr city. In Soviet times, the shrine was closed. And now it has been handed over to the Orthodox and restoration is underway. The architectural complex is a height dominant in this area. Huge tombstones with burials in the former church have survived to our time, which can be visited if desired.


On restoration

On restoration



Architectural monument

Architectural monument


Latitude: 51.94233488
Longitude: 29.533225


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Алег Дзьячкоу


Yurovichi. Church and College of Jesuits.

To the south of the city of Mozyr near the Pripyat River in the Kalinkovitsky District, you can visit the ancient town of Yurovichi. This town is famous far beyond the borders of this region for its archaeological monuments and majestic temples. Back in the 17th century, in 1677-1678, the King of the Republic of Poland, Jan III Sobieski, granted the right to establish a Jesuit residence. Originally, the buildings were made of wood and were destroyed by fire in 1705. The brick church was built in 1746. In the inventory of the Jesuits in 1773, it was written: "The church is large, brick, magnificent, covered with roof tiles, with 2 turrets in front..." There was a clock in one of the towers, which struck every quarter of an hour. And in another tower there were 3 strong bells. The architectural complex was then handed over to the Bernardines in 1817, and then to the Orthodox in 1832. The church was built as a three-nave basilica without a transept with a two-tower facade. The main facade of the church has a complex structure. There were 9 altars in the church, and the main one in 1817 was named "old-world" with a miraculous icon of the Mother of God, which was made in 1732 by the carver Taras Arshytsky, and then gilded by the master Stepan Petrovsky. In Soviet times, the shrine was looted and fell into complete disrepair. The church began to collapse. In recent years, the buildings were handed over to the Orthodox and restoration is underway. Catholic burials with tombstones are partially preserved in the basements.


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