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Volkovysk Military Historical Museum named after P. Bagration



Belarus, Grodno region, Volkovysk, Bagration str., 10





In the city of Volkovysk, Grodno region, there is a very interesting military history museum, which is named after General Pyotr Ivanovich Bagration (1765-1812). The headquarters of the 2nd Western Army, which he commanded before the outbreak of the war of 1812, was located in Volkovysk. Now the museum itself is located in the building where the army headquarters was located.

The museum was founded in 1935 by an amateur local historian G.I. Pekh and belonged to the Warsaw Local History Society. In 1940, it became a state museum. During the Great Patriotic War, many exhibits were lost, but the museum was revived in 1948. In 1953, the museum received a military historical profile and the name of P. I. Bagration.




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Latitude: 53.16166756
Longitude: 24.47280318


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Murphy Darkwalker


Volkovysk Military Historical Museum named after P. Bagration

The creation of the museum is associated with the name of the amateur local historian Georgy Iosifovich Pekh (1897-1969), who studied the history of the city for a long time. He paid special attention to ancient history, conducting archaeological excavations. In 1935, based on his personal collections, Pekh opened a museum of local lore in Volkovysk. After the Polish campaign of the Red Army and the inclusion of Volkovysk into the BSSR, on the basis of old collections, on January 1, 1940, the renovated Volkovysk Museum of Local Lore was opened, of which Peh became the director. In 1940, together with the staff of the Grodno Museum, he began excavations of the Swedish Mountain in Volkovysk and its surroundings, which significantly replenished the museum's funds. During the Great Patriotic War, the museum's funds were looted and it was closed.

In 2001, the museum moved to a new building, where the expositions "Wars of the XX century" and "Ancient Volkovysk" are now located. There is a rich collection of archeology of the X–XIV centuries, uniforms of Red Army soldiers, personal belongings of Soviet soldiers and Wehrmacht soldiers, as well as a collection of cold steel and firearms, documents and photographs testifying to the heroism of the Belarusian people. The new building has an exhibition hall where exhibitions from the museum's own funds are held, as well as commercial exhibitions from St. Petersburg, Moscow and other Russian cities. The museum's exhibits are also exhibited at international exhibitions.

In the six halls of the memorial house, which is an architectural monument of the beginning. XIX century, there is an exposition dedicated to the events of the late XVIII - first half of the XIX century. A rich collection of weapons, equipment, uniforms, a truly unique collection of paintings and engravings by Russian, French, and German authors can be seen in the halls of the museum. Currently, the museum is actively engaged in scientific work. The museum's funds are replenished annually by 500 exhibits.

The museum occupies two buildings with a total area of about a thousand square meters. More than 46 thousand items are stored in its funds, of which about 1,600 are on permanent display. Among the current exhibitions is "Ancient Volkovysk in the X—XIII centuries. The struggle of the Slavic peoples against foreign invaders", "Military art in the XIV — early XIX century", "The Patriotic War of 1812" and "The Wars of the XX century".

The museum staff continues to study the history of the city, both ancient and modern. An important area of work is the replenishment of funds with new exhibits. Due to the military-historical profile of the museum, much attention is paid to military subjects. The museum has an extensive collection of French weapons and uniforms, as well as a collection of badges of French headdresses associated with the Battle of Volkovysk in 1812. Considerable attention is also paid to the study of the partisan and underground movement in Volkovysk and its surroundings, as well as the liberation of the city during Operation Bagration.


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