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Vitebsk. The Great Lubavitcher Synagogue



Belarus, Vitebsk region, Vitebsk, Revolyutsionnaya str., 10.





A few years ago, in Vitebsk, the public and the Jewish community began to restore the ancient synagogue on Revolyutsionnaya Street. The building was built in the early 20th century of brick. In Soviet times, the synagogue was closed and adapted for social facilities. Gradually, the building fell into disrepair and began to collapse. In 2023, the synagogue was opened.




Architectural monument

Architectural monument


Latitude: 55.19782491
Longitude: 30.19265828


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Reviews to the Place


Алег Дзьячкоу


Vitebsk. The Great Lubavitcher Synagogue...

Since ancient times, the city of Vitebsk has been a multinational city. Before the revolution, 52% of the population in the city were Jews. There were several dozen synagogues and prayer houses in Vitebsk.

A few years ago, a Large Lubavitcher Synagogue was opened on Revolyutsionnaya Street, formerly Ilyinskaya Street, after restoration.

The synagogue building was erected in the early 20th century. The synagogue is made of stone, built of brick. Marc Chagall's father attended this synagogue, as the artist's family lived on the next street.

In 1922, during the famine in the Volga region, the synagogue's silver items were seized. In Soviet times, the temple was closed and the city aero club worked here, and then the house of culture. Later, the room was given over to a warehouse. Gradually, the building fell into disrepair and the ceiling and walls began to collapse.

The synagogue has been in a neglected state for a century. And in 2021, an initiative arose to restore the monument and the temple. The Vitebsk Jewish community, together with Moscow organizations, decided to jointly restore the synagogue. Donations from concerned citizens were collected, and in May 2023, the synagogue opened its doors to parishioners.


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