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Tury. Chapel at the cemetery.



Belarus, Brest region, Stolinsky district, Tury





There is an ancient village of Tury in the Stolin district near David–Gorodok. The village was founded in the 16th century on the banks of the Goryn river. In the very center of the settlement there is a local cemetery, where a new stone church of the Holy Trinity was built in the 1990s. The temple was built according to the traditions of ancient Orthodox churches and consists of 4 main parts. Behind the new church in the cemetery, an ancient 19th-century Orthodox chapel has been preserved to this day. The temple consists of two main parts. The chapel has been renovated in recent years. The temple is functioning.




Architectural monument

Architectural monument


Latitude: 52.06013458
Longitude: 27.16971935


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Алег Дзьячкоу


Tury. Chapel at the cemetery.

In Stolin district, on the Goryn river, there is a village called Tury, thirty kilometers from the district center. David-Gorodok is located on one bank of the Goryn River, and Tury are located on the other side. So it's very easy to find a place, consider it a suburb of David-Gorodok.

Tury were first found in historical sources in the 16th century. Near the small river Turanka, which flows into Goryn, there was the first settlement of the village. At first it was part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, and then became part of the Russian Empire. After the Peace of Riga, it was part of the Polish state from 1921 to 1939.

In the center of the village of Tury there is a stone Orthodox Trinity Church, which was built in the 1990s. The new church was built of brick according to the ancient local traditions of wooden architecture: a vestibule with a bell tower, a refectory, a prayer hall and an apse. The bell tower and the multifaceted drum above the main volume are made of wood, and it may seem that the ancient temple was besieged with modern brick.

There is also an ancient 19th-century Orthodox chapel in the cemetery behind the new Trinity Church. The chapel is an architectural monument of wooden architecture. The temple consists of two main parts: the vestibule and the prayer hall. When you arrive to see the monument, pay attention to the old doors with iron brackets, which were once made by a local blacksmith.


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