Turov. Growing stone crosses.
Belarus, Gomel region, Turov, Growing crosses
Turov is one of the oldest cities in Belarus. Over its centuries-old history, it has collected many different attractions. There is also a real miracle in it - growing crosses. There are four of them. One of the crosses is especially revered by believers and is recognized as Miraculous. It inexplicably grows out of the ground. Pilgrims flock to the cross from everywhere, miracles are performed near it... The Turov crosses are now known in many countries.

Latitude: 52.0707167
Longitude: 27.7171861
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1Ольга Ерёменко
The real miracle is the growing stone crosses.
The history of growing crosses goes back to the 10th century. After the adoption of Christianity, 10 stone crosses were sent from Kiev to Turov, according to some sources, and 12 according to others. They sailed along the Dnieper and Pripyat rivers against the current. For about 1,000 years, crosses stood by the river in a place of honor - at the Church of All Saints.
In 1930, in connection with religious persecution of the church, stone crosses were drowned, and in 1937 an inexplicable phenomenon occurred - four Crosses began to surface. Despite the order of the local authorities to break the crosses, local residents hid two shrines at the foundation of the church. When the persecution stopped, two crosses were installed in the Church of All Saints, which remained open even in those difficult times. The third cross was sunk several times, but it surfaced again and again. It was seized and sent for examination, but nothing was determined there. Now the cross is installed at the Cathedral of Saints Cyril and Lawrence of Turov. The fourth cross was found in the river by a peasant, not far from the Boriso -Gleb Church. He hid the find at the Boriso -Glebsky cemetery.
A little later, another inexplicable phenomenon occurred - the cross began to come out of the ground. That is why the relic was named The Turov cross, "growing" out of the ground. The first signs of the growth of the Cross were discovered by local residents in 1956. From that time until 2009, the cross grew not only in length, but also in width.
The height of the growing Cross is currently 29 cm, and the width is 32 cm. Attempts have been made more than once to dig growing crosses out of the ground, but to no avail. "They don't want to." The people of Turov called these stone crosses "father" and "mother". And the one that grew out of the ground is a "son".
The attraction is included in all tourist routes. Therefore, for a hint, at the entrance to the cemetery there is a pointer on how to find the cross. In the middle of a small cemetery there is a canopy decorated with colorful ribbons. There is a path leading to it. You need to walk along it slowly. One of the crosses is under a canopy, and the second one has just been knocked out of the ground. Mats were placed in front of the stone crosses for the pilgrims so that it would be convenient to venerate the shrines. The stands describe the stories of healing that people who come to this place and pray for help receive from crosses. The cross has a strong energy - someone does not feel it, but someone feels warm or cold, someone's hands are attracted by the cross like a magnet, and someone repels.
Periodically, images appear on the cross by themselves: the saints, the crucifixion, the Old Slavonic texts. The image can be on the stone from three days to several months.
To make sure that the crosses are really alive and miraculous, you need to come to Tours and see everything with your own eyes, and also be sure to believe. People who come to the cross with faith, asking for help from God with sincere repentance, get what they ask for.
According to our faith, let it be done to us...
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