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Tubes. Ruins of St. Nicholas Church.



Belarus, Kruglyansky district, Mogilev region, Tubyshki village





Tubyshki is a village in the Kruglyansky district of the Mogilev region, where you can look at a partially preserved architectural monument - the Ruins of St. Nicholas Church. Russian general, national hero of Serbia Mikhail Chernyaev was born here. Next to the remains of the former temple, a monument and a memorial plaque were erected to the general, which reflect significant dates and events in his life.






Architectural monument

Architectural monument


Latitude: 54.2082
Longitude: 29.9104


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Reviews to the Place


Ольга Ерёменко


Ruins of St. Nicholas Church.

In 1772, after the first partition of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the village of Tubyshki was given to Novgorodian Nikita Chernyaev as a gift. Tubyshki became the family estate of the Chernyaevs.

Here, in Tubyshki, the famous commander spent his childhood. Even in his youth, Mikhail decided to connect his fate with the army.

He became a participant in the Crimean War in the defense of Sevastopol, took part in the Hungarian campaign, was at the main headquarters of the Caucasian Army, and played an outstanding role in the conquest of Turkestan. In 1864 he took Shymkent. In 1865, the general took Tashkent, overnight becoming a national hero. Then he was commander-in-chief of the Serbian army, becoming famous in defensive battles with the Turks.

The last years of his life M.G. Chernyaev lived in Tubyshki, reviving his family estate. He built here a parochial school, a mill, an Orthodox church in the name of St. Nicholas, and erected a two-story bell tower. Famous guests came to Chernyaev’s estate - reformer Pyotr Stolypin, artist Ilya Repin.

The general died in 1898, bequeathing to be buried next to the church.

The memory of the general is still revered in his native land of Kruglyansk.

The regional museum of local lore has a separate exhibition dedicated to his life and work.


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