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Traby. The Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary.



Belarus, Grodno region, Traby agro-town, 6A Zarechnaya str.





The agro-town of Traby is located 26 km northeast of the city of Ivye, 7 km west of the border with Lithuania. The town of Traby has been known since the beginning of the 15th century and was probably named after the founder, Lithuanian Prince Trabus. There are several interesting sights in Trabach, one of which is the Neo–Gothic Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary.

The Catholic parish in Traby was founded in 1410, and in 1534 the first wooden church was built. Subsequently, a stone temple was laid on the site of its predecessor in 1900, work on which was carried out for about 5 years.

The church in Traby is active, it is included in the State List of Historical and Cultural Values of the Republic of Belarus. The temple is also interesting for the icons of the XIX century preserved in it.


Architectural monument

Architectural monument




Latitude: 54.15573952
Longitude: 25.90660618


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Traby. The Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary.

The town of Traby has been known since the beginning of the 15th century and was probably named after the founder, Lithuanian Prince Trabus. In the XV century, Prince Trabus built a castle here. At the end of the XV century . Albrecht Gasthold, the grandson of Maria Trabska, began to own the Trabs, and from the Gastholds the estate passed to the King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania Sigismund I the Old, and then to his son Sigismund II Augustus – there was a royal residence here.


There are several interesting sights in Traby, the main of which are the Catholic Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary and the Orthodox Church of St. Peter and Paul. They are important Belarusian cultural and historical monuments. The stone church was founded in 1900 on the site of the former wooden one, and construction was completed in 1905. The wooden Orthodox church has been preserved to our time since 1794.


The Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary was built in the Neo-Gothic style, is an architectural monument, and is included in the State List of Historical and Cultural Values of the Republic of Belarus. Interestingly, the church in Traby was consecrated only in 1928, the exact reason for such a delay is unknown. To date, the church is in operation, religious holidays, holy masses and prayer services are regularly held here. The temple is also interesting for the icons of the XIX century preserved in it.


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