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Tomashovka. Museum of Cosmonautics



Belarus, Brest region, Tomashovka, Gagarin Street, 25





The National Museum of Cosmonautics, located in the village of Tomashovka near Brest, is the first and so far the only museum of its kind in Belarus. Its grand opening took place back in 1978. Since then, the museum has been visited by over 800,000 tourists, which attests to its importance and popularity among space and history enthusiasts.

The exhibition is entirely dedicated to the outstanding cosmonaut of the Soviet Union, Peter Klimuk, whose exploits and achievements are admired. In the halls of the museum you can see many unique exhibits, including the personal belongings of the cosmonaut himself, carefully preserved. Among the items on display are a mock—up of the first artificial satellite of the Earth, a real shock-absorbing chair and a pair of overalls that Pyotr Klimuk used during his space flights.


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Latitude: 51.56140601
Longitude: 23.60137012


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Reviews to the Place


Yaroslav Sg


Tomashovka. Museum of Cosmonautics

In the historical hall, you can learn about various stages of the study of the universe and see portraits of such outstanding personalities as Tsiolkovsky, Tikhomirov, Korolev and others who made a huge contribution to the development of rocket science and cosmonautics. A separate corner is dedicated to Yuri Gagarin. The gallery also includes portraits of Belarusian pilots who became heroes of the USSR.

Items of equipment and equipment are presented in the exhibition hall. In the center of the exhibition is a mock-up of the Soyuz launch vehicle, symbolizing the path of man to the stars. In the hall, you can also see stained glass windows about Leonov's spacewalk, a mock-up of the first Earth satellite and a mock-up of the Resurs F1 satellite.

The museum has a biography room where you can learn about the life of the first Belarusian cosmonaut Pyotr Klimuk. He became a hero of the Soviet Union twice and made three space flights. The interior items of the parents' house, a wetsuit, star maps, photographs and much more tell about this.

The hall is divided into two sections: the first is dedicated to space flights, the second to Klimuk's childhood and youth. Many exhibits appeared thanks to Peter Klimuk himself. There are things made by his hands, a school magazine with grades, astronaut nutrition kits and personal hygiene items.

The reconstruction of the museum took place in 2004, and to this day it remains the only museum of its kind in Belarus. More than 200 exhibits tell about the history of cosmonautics and the first years of space exploration.


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