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Tevli. Chapel of St. Dmitry.



Belarus, Brest region, Kobrin district, village of Tevli, Kobrinskaya street, 91





St. Dmitrievsky Chapel is located in the cemetery in the village of Tevli, famous for its military graves associated with the battle of Napoleon's dragoons with the Russian cavalry in 1812. Originally, there was a small wooden Orthodox church on this site, built in 1567.
The modern chapel in the name of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica was built in 1881 from wood and is currently in operation. It is included in the list of historical and cultural heritage of the Republic of Belarus.




Architectural monument

Architectural monument


Latitude: 52.3368349
Longitude: 24.2536723


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Reviews to the Place


Ольга Ерёменко


The Chapel of St. Dmitry in the village of Tevli is a significant monument of history and religion.

The St. Dmitrievsky Chapel, located in the cemetery in the village of Tevli, is a significant monument of history and religion.

The history of this chapel begins with a small wooden Orthodox church built in 1567. In 1764, the church ceased to be Orthodox and was turned into a Uniate church, due to changes in the religious situation in the area.

After the partition of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the annexation of the village of Tevli to the Russian Empire, it was decided to build a new Orthodox stone church, which was founded in 1872 on St. Dmitry's memorial day, and soon, in 1874, consecrated as the Holy Dormition Church. The old wooden church, which had lost its original significance, was moved to the cemetery.

The St. Dmitrievsky Chapel was built in 1881 and has since served as an important place for local residents, fulfilling its function both during the First World War and during the Nazi occupation during the Great Patriotic War. However, during the Soviet period, the chapel was closed and used as a warehouse, reflecting difficult times for religious life in the country.

The restoration of the chapel began in the 1980s with the support of the rector of the Holy Dormition Church, Father Alexander, as well as local residents and authorities.

Since 2007, the chapel has resumed functioning as a place of worship, continuing to maintain spiritual traditions and serve the community.


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