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Svoyatichi. Park and Lake.



Belarus, Brest region, Lyakhovichi district, Svoatichi.





In the village of Svoyatichi, Lyakhovichi district, a park with farm buildings and a lake with a church have been preserved to this day from the former estate. The estate belonged first to the Obukhovichs, and then passed to the Chapskys. In the 19th century, a stone palace was built in the classical style, which contained a large collection of paintings and books. In the 19th century, Svoyatichi was visited by the artist and composer N. Orda, who left an image of the manor house with a palace.






Park area

Park area


Latitude: 53.1423411
Longitude: 26.34567292


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Алег Дзьячкоу


Svoyatichi. Park and Lake.

In the Lyakhovichi district, in the village of Svoyatichi, there was once a large, prosperous estate with a palace. A park, several outbuildings and a lake with a church have remained to our time.

During the time of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the 18th century, the Obukhovichi were the owners of the estate in Svoyatichi. After Sofia Obukhovich's marriage to Stanislav Chapsky (1799-1844), the place passed to the Chapskys. The son of Stanislav and Sofia, Edward, became the owner here. Edward married Antonina Ruzhitskaya. Their daughter Veronika married John Platerom-Zybek and their son Henryk (1979-1948) was the last one who owned the estate in Svoyatichi.

At the beginning of the 19th century, a classical-style palace was built on the estate, and the Church of St. George was built across the lake.

A large collection of books and paintings was collected in the palace. The books numbered 5,000 copies. The estate was visited in the second half of the 19th century by the famous artist and composer Napoleon Orda, who made an unusual drawing of a palace and a park with a lake.

During the First World War, the palace was badly damaged. But then it was restored during the time of the Polish state. The building was looted again in 1939 and was finally destroyed during the Great Patriotic War. A park with utility buildings and a lake with a church have been preserved to this day.


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