Staiki. The Lashkevich Estate.
Belarus, Brest region, Baranovichi district, Staiki.
In the village of Staiki, Baranovichi district, there is an estate that was created in the 19th and early 20th centuries. The last owners here were the Lashkevich family. The palace building, park and outbuildings have been preserved to our time. The stone palace is two-storied in the form of a medieval castle with a tower. After the Great Patriotic War, there was a school in the palace.
In recent years, the palace was bought by a private owner and the restoration of the old building began. The outbuildings are in a neglected state.


On restoration


Park area
Latitude: 53.25769182
Longitude: 26.18904259
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1Алег Дзьячкоу
Staiki. The Lashkevich Estate.
In the Baranovichi district, in the village of Staiki, the estate of the Lashkevich family has been preserved. Staiki are located between Baranovichi and the village of Volno. The estate consists of a stone palace, a park and outbuildings.
The place was first mentioned in the 16th century during the time of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. At that time, a representative of the Tatar princely family, Huseyn Malikbash, sold the estate in Stayki to Bogush Ovsyannik. Then the Brest and Kobrin starosta, the sub-chancellor of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Evstafy Volovich owned the place. During the time of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the 18th century, it belonged to the Lopat family. In 1787, the village was acquired by the local headman Tamas Zdan Pushkin.
During the period of the Russian Empire, the estate had 654 tithes of land.
In the second half of the 19th century, estate passed to the Lashkevich family. At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, the Lashkevichs rebuilt the old palace and manor. At that time, the estate consisted of a palace, a park with a garden, a refrigerator-building (ledovnya), residential wings, a cheese factory and a utility yard. There was also a brick factory.
In 1911 - the property of Adolf Iosifovich, and in 1914 - Natalia Grazianovna Lashkevich.
Now the estate has been bought by a private owner and restoration has begun. The entrance to the palace is limited, as there is a fence around the perimeter.
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