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Cluster of boulders Yanovo (Great Stone Bikulnitsky).

Natural site

Natural site

Belarus, Vitebsk region, Polotsk district





The Yanovo boulder cluster is a local landmark and a unique archaeological site, which has been a natural monument of national significance since 1991. It is located on one of the banks of Lake Yanovo, near the village of Bikulnichi in the Polotsk region, 25 kilometers from the city of Polotsk.




With children

With children

Outdoor activity

Outdoor activity




Latitude: 55.27406449
Longitude: 28.78369819


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Reviews to the Place


Ольга Ерёменко


Belarusian Stonehenge.

The Janovo boulder cluster is a mysterious and ancient structure of stones and huge boulders of pink and red color, which are laid out in the shape of the letter P, heart or arrow, and facing the lake and the hills on the opposite shore.

This local landmark, by analogy with the British landmark listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is often called the "Belarusian Stonehenge". The Yanovo boulder cluster is officially called the "Great Stone Bikulnitsky".

Historians assume that this place was a kind of observatory for ancient ancestors: with the help of these stones they determined the location of planets and luminaries in the sky, tracked the phases of the Moon, determined the days of the summer and winter solstices, the spring and autumn equinoxes. There is also an assumption that the stone structure is the remains of a pagan temple associated with the cult of the pagan deity Kupala.

You can come to this interesting and mysterious place on the lake shore for a quiet rest, fishing and communication with nature. There is a clean lake, convenient access by car. There is space and huge boulders around. You can take a tent with you and even stay overnight.

Tourist buses often stop at the boulders and stones on the route to Polotsk. Anyone can appreciate the grandeur and mystery of this place. The Kupala holiday is celebrated here every year.

This ancient structure clearly holds secrets. And one can only guess how our pagan ancestors brought these stones here, how and for what they used them.


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