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Shklov. City park.

Natural site

Natural site

Belarus, Mogilev region, Shklov





One of the most beautiful places in Shklov is the city park. It is a favorite place for recreation and walks for residents of Shklov and guests of the city, various events are held here. His story is interesting and unique, and it is a significant reason for pride.




Park area

Park area




Latitude: 54.21267416
Longitude: 30.28949354


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Reviews to the Place


Ольга Ерёменко


The city Park is one of the most beautiful places in Shklov.

Shklovsky Park is a monument to landscape gardening art. It is considered one of the ten most beautiful and ancient parks in Belarus.

The park was founded on the initiative of the owner of the Shklov estate, A. K. Krivoshein, and construction began in 1902 on the territory of Zabramny. However, even before that, the park was popular: in 1780, Empress Catherine II walked here. According to legend, she was traveling from Mogilev to the North. The Empress walked through the grove and admired the young spreading poplar tree, which witnessed her farewell to her favorite, Count Zorich. Not far from the monument to Zorich, you can currently see the oldest tree in the park – a poplar, which was named Yekaterininsky.

At the end of the 19th century, the statesman, Minister of Railways Apollon Krivoshein began to build the estate. The Krivoshein estate was created along the Dnieper River on the site of a former forest grove and included a park, an extensive garden, as well as industrial and economic zones covering a total area of 25-30 hectares, of which 5-6 hectares of the park are now preserved.

The park, with its numerous alleys, formed a single whole with a garden and a paper mill. Compositions of various varieties of lilac grew near the estate. The greenhouses housed exotic plants imported from Europe and Turkey. The park was developed by a local gardener, S. Malinowski, who studied in Warsaw. A small pond with birch trees was located near the economic zone, and greenhouses and greenhouses were located nearby. The center of the composition was the manor house. A special feature of the park was a large number of alleys and flower beds. Unfortunately, not all of them have survived to the present day. For example, during the Great Patriotic War, a birch grove was cut down.

Today, the main plantings of the park are local trees: spruce, pine, maple and others. The park has been preserved in good condition and is now an urban cultural center with kindergartens, a dance floor, a bandstand, attractions and a 2,500-seat stadium. 


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