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Sarya. Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.



Belarus, Vitebsk region, agricultural town Sarya





The Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Sarya is a neo-Gothic church from the mid-19th century. It was built in 1857 by Ignatius Lopatinsky, a Saryan landowner, in honor of his beloved wife Maria and their deceased son.
This architectural masterpiece is one of the most expressive monuments of sacred architecture in Belarus. The temple, built from red brick, is popularly called stone lace. The church was originally Catholic, but has now been transferred to the Orthodox.




Architectural monument

Architectural monument


Latitude: 55.91507
Longitude: 27.88719


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Sarya. Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.


Erected in the middle of the 19th century by the nobleman Ignatius Lopatinsky, a former Saryan landowner, in memory of his beloved wife Maria, who passed away early.

Prussian architect Gustav Schacht was given a difficult task. Ignatius, yearning for his beautiful young wife, wanted to see the temple as the personification of her beauty and an expression of the depth of his feelings. Neo-Gothic (“Victorian style”), which was fashionable at that time, was chosen as the architectural style.

In 1865, the temple was reconsecrated into an Orthodox Church. In 1935, the temple was closed; after World War II, the building was used as a warehouse, and later as an entertainment venue. At the end of the 1980s, the temple was partially reconstructed, but not completely restored. In 1989, the temple was returned to Catholics, but in 1990 the temple was transferred to the Orthodox parish of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (as of 2009, it has 600 people). A year later, services resumed in the church. The rector of the temple is Archpriest Vasily Strekha. In 2013, restoration work was completed, a new altar was installed in the temple, the upper ceiling was dismantled, and a monument to Saints Peter and Fevronia was erected near the temple. The church houses an icon of the Saints with particles of their relics.


The church is a single-nave basilica, rectangular in plan, with a 5-sided apse and two small sacristies (sacristies). The composition of the main facade is stepped, three-part. The central part is distinguished by a portal completed with wimpers with a rosette in the center, and 5-sided buttresses with pinnacles . There are similar pinnacles on the corner buttresses. The plasticity of the side facades is enriched by blades consisting of two parts, arcature belts and a through sharp-toothed arcade. Lancet window openings are decorated with archivolts . Inside, the main room is covered with cross ceilings, which are decorated with molded ribs . Two columns support the choir with an arched balustrade.

The Saryan Temple is included in the State List of Historical and Cultural Values of the Republic of Belarus as a monument of sacred architecture of republican significance.


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