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Sakhnovichi. Karst cave.

Natural site

Natural site

Belarus, Vitebsk region, Glubokoe district, village Sakhnovichi





The only karst cave in Belarus is located next to Lake Ginkovo in the village of Sakhnovichi, Glubokoe district, Vitebsk region. This natural object was washed out in sandstone, the layers of which were formed about 25 thousand years ago. The length of the cave is 10 m, there is only one hall. The height of the cave cavity is about 1.2-1.5 m. Lake Ginkovo is a natural monument and ranks 3rd in Belarus in terms of depth.


With children

With children

Outdoor activity

Outdoor activity




Latitude: 55.310024
Longitude: 28.147219


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Reviews to the Place


Ольга Ерёменко


The only karst cave in Belarus near Sakhnovichi and the nearby attractions will definitely not leave even the most experienced travelers indifferent!

The only cave in Belarus is popularly called Dragon (in Belarusian, dragon is tsmok) and Ginkovskaya, in honor of the lake. There are interesting legends about the treasures hidden in the cave. Some say that the treasure belonged to Polish noblemen who gave expensive jewelry to their wives, which were later hidden here. Others believe that the treasures belong to Napoleon himself. There are also those who claim that German officers hid the loot here during the Great Patriotic War. But the point is that over the centuries, the history of the cave has become overgrown with many legends and few people know for sure which of them is true. The road to the cave is also a fascinating journey. From the village along the lake, you will need to walk almost a kilometer along a steep slope. This mysterious place is hidden from prying eyes. The lake is a natural monument. In its northern part, the crypt of one of the princes of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania was found. Not far from the lake there is a wooden estate from the beginning of the 20th century, belonging to the Ginko family, from which the lake got its name.

When looking at the cave, three entrances open up. To be precise, it is more of a "hole" than an entrance. You can only enter it by crawling. But the cave itself can accommodate up to three adults. It seems tiny, but we should not forget that this is Belarus, that we have a completely different climate and no mountains. At the moment, this is the only known cave in Belarus, but perhaps this is not our last cave.

There are several holes in the cave, but there is only one entrance, the largest. Inside the cave there are Martian landscapes: sandstone mosaics, stalactites, and all this is a creation of nature. There are no animals here, and from the reptiles, they say, you can sometimes meet a viper. You can also relax on the shore of the lake, on the side of the village. There is a clearing for relaxation with gazebos. The lake is simply magnificent. It is narrow, long, deep and lies in an unusual hollow. According to Belarusian divers, this is the wildest and most inaccessible lake among all Belarusian lakes. For our area, the landscapes are not at all typical. The sensations from the lake and the cave are simply incredible!

This is our Belarus: endless forests, stunning lakes, ancient history and unexpected places full of mysteries and unforgettable impressions.


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