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Rozhanka. The Church of Saints Peter and Paul.



Belarus, Grodno region, Shchuchinsky district, Rozhanka agro-town





The Church of Saints Peter and Paul is a Catholic church in Rozhanka, included in the State List of Historical and Cultural Values of the Republic of Belarus. It is located in the Grodno region of Shchuchinsky district, just 7.5 km from the city of Shchuchin, in a village with an interesting name Rozhanka. The church acquired its present appearance in 1827, although the first stone church was built and consecrated in 1674. The church in Rozhanka impresses with the originality of its execution, its atypical character, and uniqueness. This is one of the first examples of neo-Gothic in the territory of modern Belarus.




Architectural monument

Architectural monument


Latitude: 53.53703826
Longitude: 24.73257009


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Reviews to the Place


Ольга Ерёменко


An atypical and unique Catholic church, which is one of the examples of neo-Gothic architecture in the territory of modern Belarus.

In 1827, the church was completely rebuilt. By order of Count and General of the Polish army Ludwig Patz, the Polish architect Henrik Marconi (Italian by origin) designed the church. The reconstruction of the temple led to the fact that it acquired a neo-Gothic appearance. Its architecture clearly traces the features of English Neo-Gothic, which appeared in England in the second half of the XVIII century, so the date of construction is considered to be 1827. According to some historians, the church was actually rebuilt from scratch. The facade is lined with rubble stone, and above the entrance there is a stained glass window and the coat of arms of Patsy - "GOZDAVA" (Polish noble coat of arms) - two silver lilies fastened with a gold ring on a scarlet shield.

The temple is single-nave. The cruciform nave is completed by a lower, pentagonal asp. Two rectangular symmetrical side chapels are attached to the side walls of the main volume, and a small sacristy is attached to the north side of the asp. A three-tiered tower was erected over one of the corners of the temple, covered with an octagonal peaked tent. The corners of the main temple are completed with decorative turrets. The side facades with high semi-circular windows are decorated with geometric stained glass windows. On the sides of the main entrance there are niches with sculptures of the Apostles Peter and Paul. In the center of the main facade there is a round rose window, above it there is a decorative ornament and a shield decorated with narrow flat niches with three-lobed arched ends and a stucco coat of arms in the middle. 

There is an active cemetery around the church, and a metal belfry is installed in front of the entrance.

In the twenties of the XX century, the church in Rozhanka underwent a thorough renovation. There were no major changes, except for the alteration of the roof, in the architecture, but the interior decoration of the previous periods has not been preserved. In the sixties, the church of Peter and Paul was closed, and a village store and a wholesale warehouse were organized in it. The church was reopened and consecrated only in 1990.

When you look at such an amazing church, you involuntarily thank the people who designed and built such beauty and those who preserved it for their descendants. It is absolutely necessary to visit this wonderful temple in Rozhanka.


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