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Rositsa. The Church of the Holy Trinity.



Belarus, Vitebsk region, Verkhnedvinsky district, Saryansky village Council, Rositsa village, Tsentralnaya str., 60





Rositsa is a village on the border with Latvia, which turns once a year into a place of pilgrimage for thousands of believers. It is a holy place, illuminated by the pain of thousands of people.

The Catholic church in the village of Rositsa is an architectural monument and a fusion of two styles: Neo-Gothic and Neo-Romanesque. The temple was built in 1906-1911. It is included in the State List of Historical and Cultural Values of the Republic of Belarus.




Architectural monument

Architectural monument


Latitude: 55.92003199
Longitude: 27.75941311


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Reviews to the Place


Ольга Ерёменко


The Church of the Holy Trinity in the village of Rositsa is an architectural monument of the fusion of two styles: Neo-Gothic and Neo-Romanesque..

The first information about the existence of a catalytic parish in Rosica dates back to the second half of the 16th century. In 1778, a small wooden church was built here. It was only in 1911 that a new brick church was erected in its place.

The temple is quite large and is very picturesquely located on a hill near the lake. The Church of the Holy Trinity is a three-nave, two-towered basilica with a transept and a pentagonal apse. The central entrance is decorated in the form of a portal with a dihedral shield, above which there is a triple window. There are double windows above the side arched entrances. The historical interior of the church has not been preserved, the modern church has a modest interior. 

Initially, it had two tall towers, but in 1934 these towers were demolished, as the church was visible from the territory of Poland at that time and was, according to the Soviet authorities, a "convenient target". The area around the church is very beautifully landscaped. A lot of tourists and pilgrims come to the church. They are attracted here to a greater extent not by the architecture of this temple and the surrounding landscapes, but by the memory of the events that took place here during the Second World War.

During the interwar period, the church building was used as a youth club. During the war, services began to be held in the local church again. In February 1943, the village fell into the zone of a German punitive operation directed against the partisans and arrogantly called "Winter Magic" by the Germans. To accomplish this task, the Nazis burned down more than 300 villages on the territory of Belarus. Rositsa also suffered this terrible fate. The locals were gathered in a church, where they waited 5 days for the German "trial", and all this time they were supported by priests Yuri Kashira and Anthony Leshchevich. Then, some of the people were sent to German camps, and the elderly, weak, sick and pregnant were burned in a stable on the opposite shore of the lake from the church. The priests voluntarily stayed with their pasta and also died in the fire. A total of 1,528 people died in Rositsa.

The priests' sacrifice was recognized as a feat, and in 1999 they were proclaimed holy martyrs. The decoration of the main altar of the temple is dedicated to terrible events. There is a large cross at the place where the residents died, and at the entrance to Rositsa there is a small monument with memorial inscriptions. There is a memorial on the site of the burned stable with people. The stable, locals say, was built from logs destroyed during the anti-religious campaign of the Paraskeva Pyatnitsa church. In memory of these tragic events, the Catholics of Belarus conduct pilgrimages in winter. They come here on February 16, the Day of Mourning, and in summer, on the first weekend of August, they go to Rositsa to worship.

Special services are held in the church. Mariane priests come here, to whose order the deceased priests belonged. A lot of different events, especially for children and teenagers, are held on this day. In the evening, after midnight, when it is dark, every pilgrim goes to the memorial with a lighted candle.

A Pilgrim's House has been built in Rosica, where priests live and all sorts of interesting events take place. The church itself is well maintained and clean. There are ponds with stunning water lilies near it, and there is a gazebo nearby on the shore of a local lake. Not only Catholics, but also Orthodox Christians are present at the events taking place here. After the war, the church was used again as a club, and at the end of the 20th century it was returned to the faithful. The church never closes, you can come here to pray at any time, even at night.

Anyone who wants to visit this beautiful and tragic place at the same time can come here and participate not only in the ongoing events, but also just to walk, look and think about their lives.


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