Rogachev. The building of the former real school.
Belarus, Gomel region, Rogachevsky district, Rogachev, Vilisa Zimmerman, 36
The building of the former real school in Rogachev (now Secondary School No. 2) is an architectural monument using elements of neoclassicism. The two-storey stone building was erected in 1907. Today, a secondary school operates in this building, which is one of the few pre-revolutionary buildings in Rogachev.

Latitude: 53.07928941
Longitude: 30.04651992
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1Ольга Ерёменко
The building of the former real school in Rogachev (Secondary School No. 2) is an architectural monument using elements of neoclassicism.
The real school, which provides secondary education, was founded in Rogachev in 1907 thanks to the financing of local benefactors, among whom stood out the widow of State Councilor Varvara Yolshin. A two-storey stone building in the neoclassical style was erected for the educational institution, on the top floor of which there was a house church. This building was the first in Rogachev to be equipped with a steam heating system, and water was supplied from a well using electric energy.
Initially, there were three first classes in this educational institution. The ground floor of the neoclassical-style building housed the principal's offices, his reception room, an archive, a library, a room for classes in the Law of God of the Roman Catholic denomination, as well as preparatory and second grades, an office, physics and chemistry rooms, a room for students' overcoats, a gymnasium, a buffet, the main lobby and a room for the doorman. On the second floor there was an assembly hall, art classes, an inspector's office and a house church dedicated to the Holy Great Martyr Barbara. In the basement there were four apartments for employees, a room for distilling water and a power plant, two rooms for storing firewood, two storerooms and a toilet.
Until 1916, a two-story house was built on the east side of the building, which housed apartments for the inspector, scribe and assistant teachers. In the courtyard there were three kindergartens, a wooden shed, a stone glacier, a toilet and an Abyssinian well. The educational institution was furnished and had an observatory in a tower on the south side, attached to the second floor.
At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the school was destroyed by fire, but it was rebuilt in the 1950s. Since then, the building has become a secondary school.
Currently, secondary school No. 2 named after V.M. Kolesnikov is located here. The building is included in the State List of Historical and Cultural Values of the Republic of Belarus.
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