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Reuchye. The chapel-tomb of the Princes of Khomentovsky.



Belarus, Vitebsk region, Tolochinsky district, Rechye.





In the Tolochinsky district between Krugly and Tolochin there is a small village of Reuchye, where the chapel–tomb of the famous noble family of the Khomentovskys has been preserved. This noble family held significant positions in the Mogilev province. Their representatives were the leaders of the nobility of Mogilev province and deputies of the State Duma during the Russian Empire.

The Khomentovsky family estate, Khalyapinka, was located here. Only the ruins of the outbuildings and the chapel-tomb have been preserved from the estate. The chapel was built in the late 19th century in the pseudo-Russian style. In Soviet times, it was looted along with the tombs of the Khomentovskys. In recent years, the restoration of the monument has begun.




On restoration

On restoration



Park area

Park area

Architectural monument

Architectural monument




Latitude: 54.34867535
Longitude: 29.80604299


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Алег Дзьячкоу


Reuchye. The chapel-tom of the Princes of Khomentovsky.

If you go from Krugly to Tolochin, after turning to Drutsk, after a few kilometers in the village of Goncharovka, turn right onto Reuchye. The road there is unpaved. When you get to the village, it is better to leave the car at the beginning of the village, because the road is very broken further. It is necessary to go through the whole village to the lowland in the floodplain of the small river Krivaya. There will be a sign that the road leads to the chapel.

As you cross the river over the bridge, on the left you will see the remains of pre-revolutionary red brick outbuildings - this is what remains of the estate. And you need to go uphill to the right - there will be a trail. And on the hill itself, among the century-old lime trees, you will see a small chapel made of brick.

The chapel-tomb belonged to the Khomentovsky family. The chapel was built in 1822 in the pseudo-Russian style. It has a small decor: rust, keeled pediments. A folding roof covers the chapel. Previously, there was also a multifaceted drum with an onion, but now reconstruction is underway and it is unknown how the restorers will do it.

One of those whose granite tombstone has been preserved in the tomb is Major General Mikhail Yakovlevich Khomentovsky (1776-1846), who participated in the Battle of Borodino during the Patriotic War of 1812 and served in the general staff of Mikhail Kutuzov. Another prince buried in the family chapel, Lieutenant General Pyotr Mikhailovich Khomentovsky (1828-1900), was recognized by Emperor Alexander II as one of the most talented officers. In 1862, on the personal instructions of the Emperor, he was appointed head of the quartermaster department of the Warsaw Military District. In 1870, he was promoted to Lieutenant General and served in the military and naval ministries in St. Petersburg. He also held the civil rank of the III class – privy councilor, and served as an official of the highest rank.

Alexander Yakovlevich Khomentovsky (1858-1917), deputy of the State Duma and convocation from Mogilev province, is also buried here. There are several more Khomentovsky graves nearby.

The chapel is currently under restoration. 


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