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Postavy. St. Nicholas Cathedral.



Belarus, Vitebsk region, Postavy, Lenin Square, 22





The Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in the city of Postavy, Vitebsk region is an Orthodox church, which is an architectural monument in pseudo—Russian style, built in 1894 on the site of a former wooden church, and has a rich and complex history.

In historical documents, the church was first mentioned in the inventory of the Postavy estate in 1628. In 1815, the wooden church burned down due to a rocket launched by students of the school. The owner of the city, Konstantin Tyzengauz, gave a two-story stone house, located on the opposite side of the historical site, for the temple.

In 1886, the central part of the Post was destroyed by fire. On August 1, 1891, a new church was laid with donations from parishioners and Countess Maria Przezdetskaya (daughter of Konstantin Tyzengauz), and in May 1894 the church was rededicated.




Architectural monument

Architectural monument


Latitude: 55.1132847
Longitude: 26.8406641


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Murphy Darkwalker


St. Nicholas Cathedral

In historical documents, St. Nicholas Church was first mentioned in the inventory of the Postavy estate in 1628. The document gives the following description: "... on the street that goes to the District, the church under the title of St. Nicholas with all its contents ...".

In 1815, this wooden church burned down from a rocket launched by students of the school. After the fire, the owner of the city, Konstantin Tyzengauz, gave a two-story stone house in the western part of the square, where the chancery and the court used to be located, for the temple.

With the increase in the number of Orthodox population, the small church could no longer accommodate everyone, and the construction of a new church was required. The decision on the construction site came unexpectedly. In 1886, the Post Office suffered a misfortune – the best, central part of the town burned down, exactly the one where the former church was located. The new church was built in 1894 with donations from parishioners, as well as Countess Maria Przezdetskaya (daughter of Konstantin Tyzengauz).

Contemporaries noted that the new Postavskaya church, both outside and inside, was the most majestic temple in the district in terms of strength and elegance of decoration. No wonder the parishioners called it the cathedral and said among themselves: "Today I was at the Cathedral for mass."

The architectural structure of the church follows the traditional four-part scheme: a bell tower above the narthex, a refectory, a prayer hall with side chapels and an apse with side sacristy. The composition of the temple is centralized around a two-tiered cube-like volume topped with a five-dome. Side chapels and a semicircular apse with sacristy form the cross layout. A tent-roofed bell tower with a head adjoins the prayer hall through a rectangular refectory, and the entrance is made in the form of a porch.

The decor of the white stone building uses elements of ancient Russian church architecture: zakomars, jagged friezes under profiled cornices, keel-shaped architraves of arched windows, gables and kokoshniks, as well as windows in the form of a triple arcade divided by short barrel columns.

The temple hall is covered with a cylindrical vault, choirs with balustrade fencing open through an arched opening. The interior of the church is decorated with a single-tiered gilded iconostasis with onion-like domes in the center and on the sides, made in the neo-Russian style.

The icons from the dismantled iconostasis are of artistic value: "Forefather Abraham" (1866), "Matthew and Paul", "Peter and John", "Andrew and Jacob", "Judas with the Apostle", "Deisus", "The Savior", "Mother of God with Jesus", "Archangel Gabriel", "Archangel Michael" and "The Last Supper" (19th-20th centuries). Above the entrance, a wide arch opens choirs with a balustrade fence. The floor of the temple is lined with ceramic tiles.


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