Porechye. The sugar factory building.
Belarus, Brest region, Pinsky district, Porechye village
The sugar factory building, built in 1860 in the village of Porechye, Brest region, is a significant historical and architectural object that reflects the industrial development of the region in the 19th century. The sugar factory was built in Porechye by Alexander Isidor Skirmunt, a representative of the princely family of Skirmunts.

Latitude: 52.291
Longitude: 25.7935
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Reviews to the Place
1Ольга Ерёменко
The building of the former sugar factory is a significant historical and architectural object that reflects the industrial development of the region in the 19th century.
The second half of the 19th century was a time of rapid industrial development in the Russian Empire. At that time, sugar factories began to open actively in various parts of the country, which was associated with an increase in the production of beet sugar, which became an important part of the economy. The district was no exception and received its share of this industrial boom.
The plant in Porechye became the best among the sugar beet factories of the Minsk province: four times more sugar was produced here than at five factories in the province. It was steam powered and was equipped with the most advanced equipment of that time.
In 1879, the factory burned down and did not resume its activities. In 1889, the building was adapted for a distillery with a steam engine and ten workers. The plant was the only one in the Minsk province for the production of purified alcohol.
The factory building is made in a typical style for its time, which combines elements of industrial architecture of that period. It is built of local bricks and includes elements of neoclassicism, which reflects the high level of skill of the builders. The plant consists of several rooms, including production, warehouse and administrative ones, which emphasizes its versatility.
The sugar factory has become an important element of the economy of the River and the surrounding area, providing jobs and contributing to the development of related industries such as agriculture and transport. Local farmers began to actively grow sugar beets, which led to an improvement in living conditions in the region.
The large three-storey building of the former sugar factory has survived to the present day. It is a historical monument that attracts the attention of tourists and researchers. Now the Porechsky Starch Plant is located in this building. At the entrance to the plant there is a beautiful park, which was founded by the son of Alexander Skirmunt Jr. — Roman Skirmunt. To this day, several unusual trees grow here, for example, the tulip tree.
The building of the sugar factory in Porechye is not only evidence of the economic prosperity of the 19th century, but also an important part of the cultural and historical heritage of the Brest region. It continues to inspire locals and tourists with its grandeur and history, reminiscent of the importance of the region's industrial past.
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