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Polotsk. Art Gallery



Belarus, Polotsk, Streletskaya str., 4A





The Polotsk Art Gallery offers visitors two exhibition halls for rotating exhibitions, as well as the main art hall. The gallery's collections are replenished as archaeological excavations are carried out in Polotsk. The gallery also offers works by old masters and artists.

The church, which is part of the gallery, has unique frescoes painted during the lifetime of St. Euphrosyne of Polotsk. As the layers of the exposition are removed, you can see all the layers of frescoes and how the wall painting has changed over the centuries. It is definitely worth seeing for every resident of Belarus.

The gallery has a small cozy courtyard, in the center of which there is a huge ancient well of the XVIII century. Reproductions of paintings hang on the walls of the courtyard, and the most interesting thing is a musical clock.




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With children






Latitude: 55.48588113
Longitude: 28.76491269


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Reviews to the Place


Yaroslav Sg


Polotsk. An art gallery.

The Polotsk School of Architecture and monumental painting began with the Transfiguration Church in Polotsk. This is the only monument to the history and culture of the Polotsk land, which has survived to the present day. The temple is closely associated with the name of St. Euphrosyne of Polotsk, who devoted her life to enlightenment, the construction of churches and the foundation of the Bogoroditsky Monastery. More information about her activities can be found in the "Life of St. Euphrosyne of Polotsk", which is presented in the exhibition. Here you can also get information about the Reliquary Cross, which was an ark with precious relics and relics of saints, which Euphrosyne invested in the Church of the Savior in 1161 after completion of construction.

The museum also features iconic art demonstrating the peaceful coexistence of several religious denominations. Along with icons of the Belarusian school and a collection of iconic copper casting of the XIX century, cult paintings and secular portraits of the XVIII-XIX centuries are on display. Special attention should be paid to the Portrait of Elzbieta Oginskaya Puzyna (1760), the founder of the astronomical observatory at the Vilna Jesuit Academy. This educated woman actively supported science.

The exposition "Iconography of Belarus of the XVIII-XIX centuries" presents unique works of Uniate iconography. Six of them have been in the iconostasis of St. Sophia Cathedral for a long time. These icons demonstrate a local identity based on knowledge of book miniatures, as well as Byzantine and Western European art. These works are a vivid example of the Uniate cult art of Belarus, characterized by a combination of painting, carving and coinage.

The gallery's exposition presents collections of cult applied art of the XII–XIX centuries, iconography of the XVIII–XX centuries, secular portrait painting of the XVIII century and Belarusian fine art of the XX century. The total area of the exhibition is 900 square meters.


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