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Polotsk. Borisov stone.



Belarus, Vitebsk region, Polotsk, Center microdistrict, Borisov stone





Borisov Stone in Polotsk is a unique monument of medieval culture of the 12th century, one of the oldest preserved objects on the territory of Belarus. It is believed that this boulder was brought to the north of Belarus by the Scandinavian glacier hundreds of years ago. In ancient times, such monumental stones could be found both on land and along the course of rivers. People used boulders to mark trade routes.

A huge boulder now lies on the site in front of St. Sophia Cathedral. It was brought in 1981 from the village of Podkosteltsy, where it had lain in the Western Dvina for several centuries, and appeared on the surface only during dry years. A cross and the inscriptions "HS NIKA", "Lord help your servant Boris" are carved on the boulder. Borisov stone weighs more than seventy tons.





Latitude: 55.4857791
Longitude: 28.7581083


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Reviews to the Place


Ольга Ерёменко


Borisov stone in Polotsk is a unique monument of medieval culture of the 12th century.

Borisov stone is a huge boulder with a circumference of about eight meters. A six-pointed cross with a length of more than one and a half meters is carved on its surface, as well as the inscriptions "HS NIKA" and "Lord help your servant Boris."

There are many interpretations of the inscriptions on the stone. Some researchers believe that, having converted to Christianity, the inhabitants of Polotsk continued to adhere to pagan customs and worshipped the stone, which could have prompted Prince Boris to carve a cross and an inscription on it. Others associate the stone with the military actions of Boris Vseslavovich, and others with the famine years of 1127-1128.

Previously, it was believed that the Boris Stone in Polotsk is the only one preserved in Belarus, but now four such stones are known. One of them is located in the village of Druya in the Braslav region, the second is in the Kolomenskoye Museum—Reserve in Moscow, the third is in the village of Kameno in the Minsk region, and the fourth is in Polotsk.

Borisov stone is surrounded by many legends and myths. Some believe in its healing properties, while others believe that it grants wishes. Locals and tourists often come to the stone, make wishes and kiss it, feeling a connection with ancient Polotsk. Although the effectiveness of these rituals remains in question, the fact remains that touching the Borisov Stone creates a special atmosphere and a sense of connection with history.

Yaroslav Sg


Polotsk. Borisov stone

Belarus has a unique group of monuments from the past, known as the Borisov Stones. They are huge boulders, sometimes reaching several meters in height, on which crosses and various inscriptions are embossed. These stones were named after Prince Boris of Polotsk, who ruled in the 12th century, and whose name is stamped on most of them. Borisov stones have always attracted people's attention.

The origin of these inscriptions is still controversial among Russian and foreign historians. Some associate them with paganism: Residents of Polotsk brought generous offerings to the boulders, praying for fertility and daily bread. At that time, the city was ruled by Vseslav the Magician's son, Prince Boris, who ordered a cross with an inscription to be carved on the stone in order to introduce the Polochans to Christianity. According to legend, the pagan gods were angry with the prince for this act and punished Polotsk with a terrible famine. Others believe that the inscriptions are a sign of special respect for Prince Boris and his military achievements.

Only four Borisov stones have been preserved, one of which was exported to Russia in 1888 and is now in the Kolomenskoye Museum Reserve. There are three such stones left in Belarus, but the most famous of them is in Polotsk. Tourists and pilgrims can often be found near it, who take pictures with it, touch it, make wishes and ask for help, believing in its miraculous and healing properties.


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