Pinsk. Monument to V. Khoruzhaya.
Belarus, Brest region, Pinsk, Lenin St., 24
In the city of Pinsk, on Lenin pedestrian street, there is a small square with a monument dedicated to Vera Khoruzhaya. The monument was erected in 1973 at the expense of Komsomol members and youth of the city of Pinsk. Sculptor B. Ivontiev, architect M. Tkachuk.
V. Khoruzhaya is a well-known guerrilla and underground fighter. She was born in the city of Bobruisk. She died at the hands of the Nazis in 1942 in Vitebsk.

Latitude: 52.11366131
Longitude: 26.10848582
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1Алег Дзьячкоу
Pinsk. Monument to V. Khoruzhaya.
In the historical center of Pinsk, on a pedestrian street near the Church of the Virgin Mary, there is a small park and a monument to the Hero of the Soviet Union Vera Khoruzhaya. The monument was erected in 1973 and executed by sculptor B. Ivontiev and architect M. Tkachuk. The monument built with money raised by the young people of Pinsk city.
V. Khoruzhaya was born in the city of Bobruisk in 1903. She studied at the gymnasium. Then the family moved to Mozyr. She worked as a teacher. Participant of the Civil War. She joined the Komsomol and then the Communist Party. In 1924, she was sent to organize underground Komsomol groups in Western Belarus. She was elected to the Central Committee of the Communist Party and the Komsomol of Western Belarus. She was arrested in Poland, where she wrote letters that were later published under the title Letters to Freedom. She was in prison until 1932 and was exchanged for political prisoners from Poland. In the USSR, she continued to engage in journalistic and public activities. She lived in Kazakhstan, where she got married and had a daughter, Anna. She was arrested by the NKVD as a Polish spy and served two years in prison, but was released in 1939.
During the Great Patriotic War, despite the fact that she was already pregnant, she joined Vasily Korzh's partisan detachment with her husband. At the end of 1941, she was sent behind the front line to establish contact with the Central Committee of the BSSR. After that, she was sent to the rear, where she gave birth to a son, whom she named Sergei in honor of her deceased husband. In 1942, she asked to go to the front and was sent to Vitebsk for underground work.
In the autumn of 1942, V. Khoruzhaya was arrested by the Nazis. After being interrogated and tortured, she was killed by the occupiers. She was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Streets, schools, and monuments were named in honor of Vera Khoruzhaya in the USSR. Even a lilac variety called Vera Khoruzhaya has been bred.
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