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Pinsk. The Church of St. Charles Borromeo



Belarus, Brest region, Pinsk, Kirova str., 37





The Church of St. Charles Borromeo in Pinsk is a Catholic church dedicated to St. Charles Borromeo, an Italian priest and archbishop of Milan who lived in the XVI century. This church was built in the early 20th century and is an important cultural and religious site for the local Catholic community.
The church has a majestic historical appearance and is decorated inside with magnificent frescoes and sculptures. It also serves as a venue for various religious ceremonies and events important to believers.


With children

With children





Architectural monument

Architectural monument


Latitude: 52.1200724
Longitude: 26.1153107


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Reviews to the Place


Murphy Darkwalker


Church of St. Charles Borromeo

The Catholic parish in the suburb of Karolin in Pinsk was founded in 1695 by Marshal of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania Jan Karol Dolsky. At the same time, a wooden church was erected.

In 1756, priests from the Bartolomite society, also known as "communists" (because of their residence in communes), arrived in Pinsk. During the Soviet period, the term "communists" in relation to this society was not used in architectural reference books and literature due to associations with the Communist Party. In some sources, the Bartholomites are called monks, which is a mistake, since they did not take monastic vows and belonged to the white clergy. The construction of the stone church, funded by the Bartolomite Communists, took place from 1770 to 1782, but the consecration in honor of St. Carlo Borromeo took place only in 1784.

By the end of the XVIII century, the Bartolomite society began to decline, and after the death of the last abbot Isidor Kontonovich in 1836, the temple remained in disrepair for some time. In the second half of the 19th century, the church was renovated and rededicated in honor of the Holy Trinity. Since 1912, it has become a branch church of the main Pinsk Catholic church — the Ascension of the Virgin Mary.

After the Great Patriotic War, the temple operated for a while, but was closed in the 1960s. The building was transformed into an organ hall, in which it still functions today. In 2013, the building was restored.

The architecture of the Church of St. Charles Borromeo reflects classical Baroque traditions with its characteristic elements. The facade of the building is decorated with exquisite sculptures and decorative elements that emphasize its greatness. The domes and spires of the church are crowned with crosses, which symbolizes its religious significance.

The interior of the church is also impressive for its beauty and elegance. Here you can see many frescoes and icons that create an atmosphere of spiritual elevation. The altars, made in rich decor, add solemnity and grandeur to the interior.

After the Great Patriotic War, the church was used for its intended purpose for some time, but it was closed in the 1960s. The building was turned into an organ hall, and in this capacity it continues to function to this day. In 2013, a large-scale restoration renovation was carried out, which returned the building to its historical appearance and emphasized its architectural significance.

The Church of St. Charles Borromeo plays an important role in the cultural and religious life of Pinsk. It is not only a place for worship and religious ceremonies, but also a center for cultural events. Concerts and other cultural events are regularly held in the organ hall, attracting both locals and tourists.


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