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Pervomaisky. Ruins of the Kashitsy estate "Obrina".



Belarus, Grodno region, Korelichsky district, Pervomaisky





The estate "Obrina", the estate of Dunin-Rayetsky, and then Kashitsy, is located in the picturesque area of the Korelichi district in the village of Pervomaisky. It was built in the first half of the 19th century in the style of late classicism with pseudo-Gothic features.

The ruins of the palace and park ensemble are of great interest today. Significant parts of the complex have been preserved here. There are also a sufficient number of historical photographs of the estate, which allow us to fully assess its scale during its heyday and compare it with what we see now.






Architectural monument

Architectural monument


Latitude: 53.5495209
Longitude: 26.33237715


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Reviews to the Place


Ольга Ерёменко


The remains of the Kashitsy family estate "Obrina", village Pervomaisky Korelichi district.

For the first time these territories were mentioned in written sources of the 16th century. For various periods, they were in the hands of such families as Ratomsky, Kharitonovich, Obrinsky (perhaps it was from them that the name of the estate came), Khodkevichi, Dunin-Raetsky and Kashitsy.

The manor, which is depicted in the works of Napoleon Orda and photographs by Theophile Boretti, was probably built in the first half of the 19th century under Konstantin Dunin-Rayetsky. Later it passed to his daughter Sofia and her husband Jozef Kashitsa.   

The main building of the estate included five buildings. In the center was a large manor house, resembling a castle. On the left side of the facade there was a terrace and an alley for entry with a main passage, and on the right a tall wing adjoined the building, which was unusual for that time. It was possible to get inside via a bridge. Among the outbuildings were a lamus with a clock, a barn, a cheese factory, a blacksmith shop, a brovar and other buildings. All of them were built of stone, brick and wood. It is noteworthy that the park had no clear boundaries, which created its natural appearance.

The manor was destroyed during the war. In the middle of the 20th century, local residents began to disassemble manor bricks for their own buildings.

Before the trip, do not forget to find photos and a plan of the estate, because this will help you understand where the buildings were located on the spot. Be sure to find the arched bridge and the tomb chapel at the edge of the park.

The best preserved buildings are the stable at the exit of the estate and the three-story barn, built in 1839, as evidenced by the memorial stone at its base. This barn is often mistaken for the main house. 

It was a really beautiful manor. The place impresses with its beauty and mystery. It's very atmospheric here! It is a pity that no measures are being taken to preserve or reconstruct historical buildings. Lovers of history and abandoned manors will find it very interesting here.


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