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Paris. A replica of the Eiffel Tower.



Belarus, agro-town of Paris, Kozlovshchinsky village council, Postavsky district, Vitebsk region





A small agro-town in the Postavsky district under the unusual name "Paris" is located about 200 km from Minsk. The majority of the entire population, consisting of several hundred people, are pensioners. There is a copy of the famous landmark of French Paris – the Eiffel Tower.


With children

With children



Outdoor activity

Outdoor activity


Latitude: 55.15614268
Longitude: 27.38563906


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Reviews to the Place


Ольга Ерёменко


The "French" corner in Belarus.

The agro-town of Paris can be visited when traveling through the surrounding area in the Postavsky district of the Vitebsk region.

There is a legend according to which the village got its name from soldiers of the French army or even from Napoleon himself, when they were here during the Patriotic War of 1812 and one of them said "It's beautiful, like in Paris." According to another version, the local landowner gave this name to the area.  

During the Soviet years, Paris was renamed Novodrutsk. By popular request of the villagers, on June 16, 2006, the historical name of the place was returned.

There is a copy of the world famous landmark here. The local Eiffel Tower, dark in color and 30 meters high, is visible from afar. Surprisingly, there is an observation deck on it, from the top of which there is a good view of the entire area. There is a cross on top of the tower. The tower was erected here by local power grids thanks to the idea of the priest and rector of the church in the neighboring village of Mosar - Juozas Bulki. Near The Eiffel Tower houses sculptures of the Virgin Mary and angels, a pond with a gazebo.

Not far from the main attraction of the village is the Church of St. Joseph the Artisan. It was rebuilt from a rural store on the initiative of Juozas Bulka. The building has practically not changed its original appearance, only a wooden turret appeared on the roof.

Overall, it's fun. Here you can climb the local tower, take a picture next to a sign with the name of the settlement, and smile from the inscription "Paris Rural House of Culture".


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