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Lake "God's Eye".

Natural site

Natural site

Belarus, Vitebsk region, Braslav district





"God's Eye" is a mysterious lake with an almost perfectly round shape. This unique water body is part of the Braslav Lakes system and is located on the territory of the Braslavsky National Park. You can get to the lake by turning off the Braslav-Druya highway towards the village of Litovshchina. There are signs to this attraction on the highway.


With children

With children




Latitude: 55.65573606
Longitude: 27.13426027


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Reviews to the Place


Ольга Ерёменко


A mysterious lake with an almost perfectly round shape.

The lake was named by local residents. People also call it the Chertovo Oko Lake. What is surprising is that the lake's shoreline has remained constant for a long time and the lake has not changed its shape. There are several hypotheses about the origin of this lake. Perhaps it arose as a result of the melting of a glacier and subsequent geological processes, or perhaps the lake basin was formed by a meteorite fall.

The water in the lake is clean and transparent. It reflects all the natural beauty of the surrounding world: the sky, the fancy clouds, the sun, the forest. And it really does resemble an eye!

The lake is considered quite deep, the water is cold and swimming is not recommended. And the approach to the water is difficult: there are steep slopes and a marshy bank overgrown with reeds and rushes. The best view of the lake opens from a nearby observation deck on a hill: the higher you climb, the more interesting it is to look at it - the lake appears before us as if in the palm of your hand.

Lake Bozhego Oko is quite popular among tourists. Its visit is included in a number of excursion routes along such a famous lake region as Braslavshchina.

This lake attracts with its unusualness and mystery. Here you can retire and slow down, breathe fresh air, enjoy the pristine natural beauty. Also, in this unusual location you can take interesting pictures.

On the opposite side of the road is the 11th century archaeological site of Maskovichi. This is a Viking settlement that lay on the route "From the Varangians to the Greeks, and later a fortress of Polotsk residents, called Polotsk Krivichi, arose here.


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