Opsa. The Plater Estate.
Belarus, Vitebsk region, Braslav district, Opsa agro-town
The Plater Estate is an abandoned estate with a rich history in a beautiful atmospheric place. It is located in the agro-town of Opsa, 18 km from Braslav.


Latitude: 55.54871532
Longitude: 26.82478547
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Reviews to the Place
1Ольга Ерёменко
An abandoned estate with a rich history in a beautiful atmospheric location.
The Plater estate on the shore of Lake Opsa was founded in 1904. The owner of the village at that time was Count Felix Plater and his family, who planned to settle on Vitebsk land, deciding to build the estate as their main place of residence. The one-story stone building was built in the neoclassical style. It had two-story outbuildings, an entrance with two columns and cascading stairs, a wide open terrace. A number of outbuildings were also erected. A landscape park with various tree species was laid out around the estate, and there was a lake nearby.
During the First World War, the manor building was damaged and partially destroyed.
In 1922, F. Plater sold his palace. From 1927 to 1939, there was an agricultural school here, where one could learn farming methods. After World War II, a school was temporarily located in the palace. Later, a boarding school for orphans was organized in the building. In 1981, the film "Calm" based on the work of I.S. Turgenev was filmed in the estate. In the 1990s, the republican society of the disabled was located in the estate.
Currently, the estate, unfortunately, is in an abandoned state.
This is a fairly large estate with a beautiful porch, located in an unusually picturesque place overlooking the lake. The entrance to the building is boarded up, there is a sign that it is dangerous inside. Some outbuildings have been preserved, for example, an ice house, as well as parts of the gate and fence. It is a pity that no one is restoring the estate. This is a must-see for those who are interested in history and estates, and also want to touch the historical past.
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