Novogrudok Museum of Local History.
Belarus, Grodno region, Novogrudok, Grodno str., 2
The Novogrudok Museum of Local History was founded in 1987. It was opened to the public in 1992.
The museum's exposition is located in 9 halls (250 sq.m.), and tells about the history and culture of Novogrudok, starting from the emergence of the city and up to the middle of the twentieth century.
The museum fund has about 22,000 items of museum significance, including 14 collections.



Latitude: 53.59880646
Longitude: 25.8238199
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1С Н
Novogrudok Museum of Local History.
The creation of the museum was facilitated by local historians Roman Letsko, Tatyana Tsaryuk, Boris Besarab, as well as scientists from Novogrudok Vyacheslav Chemeritsky, Nikolai Nikolaev, Mikhail Kostyuk. An initiative group arose and the city committee of the CPB decided to create a museum, which was founded on August 25, 1987, the exposition has been open since 1992.
The history and culture of the city and the region in the period from the X to the middle of the XX century are presented in 9 halls.:
- Novogrudok as the main city of the Belarusian region, the center of the unification of the Belarusian and Lithuanian lands into the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and its first capital, the place of the coronation of Prince Mindovg;
- history of the Jewish and Tatar communities of Novogrudok, Orthodox and Catholic churches, synagogues and mosques;
- famous Novogrudok residents who have made a significant contribution to the science and culture of Belarus, Europe and the whole world;
- ethnography, as well as Novogrudok during the Great Patriotic War.
The tour of the exposition begins with an acquaintance with the history of the city of Novogrudok, the materials of archaeological excavations at the Small Castle and Castle Hill. Development and strengthening of the settlement on Castle Hill. The construction of stone towers is represented by models of the Novogrudok Castle of the XI – XIII centuries and the XV – XVII centuries.
The multi-confessional character of Novogrudok can be traced in the history of the Orthodox metropolis, ancient Orthodox churches, handwritten books, such as the Lavrishev Gospel, as well as in the history of the Muslim community and its traditional occupations.
In the ethnography hall, visitors get acquainted with the interior of a peasant hut, household items, peasant occupations – agriculture, crafts, tailoring, embroidery, weaving. Typical folk clothes – “Novogrudok system” – demonstrates the tastes of fashionistas and fashionistas of the early twentieth century.
The interwar life of Novogrudok in 1921-1939 as a voivodeship center, where active construction takes place, gymnasiums operate, famous people work and where peasants perform, the underground Communist Party of Western Belarus operates, is revealed in the next hall.
The last halls of the museum tell about the tragic pages of the Great Patriotic War: the “Novogrudok cauldron” of the beginning of the war, the occupation regime, the almost complete destruction of the Novogrudok Jewish community, forced labor and the removal of the population, the shooting of 11 Nazarene sisters and other events.
In 2007, the exposition "Museum of Jewish Resistance in Novogrudok during the Holocaust" was created on a separate site. This is the only museum in Belarus created on the site of the former ghetto, which presents the story of the most successful escape through a tunnel built by prisoners in Nazi-occupied Europe, as well as the history of the Jewish partisan detachment of Belsky.
The museum holds conferences on the history of Novogrudok and the topic of the Holocaust, and implements the project "Critical consideration of history through the dialogue of generations "Tell me your life".
More than 9 thousand people visit the museum every year. The total number of storage units is more than 20 thousand. The most valuable are the personal archives of the world-famous scientist in the field of astronautics B. Kit and the artist V. Stashchenyuk, a treasure trove of bronze bracelets from the excavations of the settlement of the VIII - X centuries on Mount Radogoscha.
Museum classes, thematic excursions and lectures are held.
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