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Novogrudok. Adam Mickiewicz's mound.



Belarus, Novogrudok, Adam Mickiewicz Mound





The mound was built in honor of the great and famous poet of Belarus and Poland Adam Mickiewicz in the 20s of the 20th century in a place located near the poet's birthplace and the places where the events of his works take place.

Each country considers the poet its own, which does not negate the historical and cultural heritage that he left behind to his descendants.

The second name is Adam Mickiewicz's Mound of Immortality. It is an object of the State List of Historical and Cultural Values of the Republic of Belarus.




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Outdoor activity


Latitude: 53.60242576
Longitude: 25.82627907


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Reviews to the Place




Novogrudok. Adam Mickiewicz's mound.

There are many places in Novogrudok associated with the work and life of Adam Mickiewicz. One of these places is the Mound of Immortality, built in the interwar period in honor of our famous countryman. In fact, the mound, and besides dedicated to one person, is a unique phenomenon for Belarus.


And now a little bit about how it happened. The year 1921 – Western Belarus, including Novogrudok, is part of Poland. In 1922, a voluntary scientific society arose in Novogrudok – the Mickiewicz Committee – which set itself the following tasks:

· popularization of the life and work of a fellow countryman;

· installation of a monument to Adam Mickiewicz;

· organization of a museum in the poet's house.      


Already in 1924, a capsule was laid at the base of the mound. Up until 1931, people brought handfuls of earth from places where the poet had been during his lifetime, and also brought earth from the poet's grave. There were even cases when people sent boxes of earth to Novogrudok. Thus, not only Novogrudok residents, but also the international community took part in the "ascension" of the kurgan.

In 1931, when the earthen embankment rose 17 meters in height, the Mound of Immortality was inaugurated. The monument to Adam Mickiewicz was erected near the mound in 1992.


Today, the Mound of Immortality is a historical and cultural heritage of international importance. Therefore, when you are in Novogrudok, be sure to go to the Small Castle and climb the mound – and you will see the picturesque landscapes that Adam was so in love with and which he glorified in his ballads.


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