Novogrudok. Adam Mickiewicz House Museum.
Belarus, Grodno region, Novogrudok, Lenin str., 1
The Adam Mickiewicz House Museum in Novogrudok is included in the State List of Historical and Cultural Values of the Republic of Belarus (1st category). The museum is not only a biographical museum exhibit, but also an open-air museum. The manor of the early 19th century has been restored here: a house, an outbuilding, a cage, a well, a gazebo.
The exhibition includes items related to A. Mickiewicz and his entourage. Exhibitions are held in the basement of the museum and in the underpass that connects the house with the wing. I admire the reverent attitude of the curators and employees of the museum to the memory of the famous poet, whose works have become the heritage of Belarusians and a national treasure.


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Latitude: 53.598134
Longitude: 25.8280292
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1С Н
Novogrudok. Adam Mickiewicz House Museum.
The first attempt to create an Adam Mickiewicz Museum in Novogrudok dates back to 1920. On September 16, 1920, the then local government body, the Novogrudok District Revkom, issued order No. 40 on the creation of a museum or library named after him in the house where the poet lived. This decision has not been implemented. In fact, the House Museum was created in the 1930s by the efforts of the Mickiewicz Committee, a voluntary scientific society. The decision to create a House Museum was made by the "Mickiewicz Committee" on May 10, 1931. The museum was opened on September 11, 1938. Vladislav Lyaruy became its first director. With the establishment of Soviet power in Western Belarus, by the decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the BSSR dated 3.12.1940, the House Museum was taken under state protection and placed at the disposal of the People's Commissariat of Education. In June 1941, the House Museum was destroyed by a German air bomb that hit it.
The house Museum was restored in its pre-war form for the 100th anniversary of the death of A. Mickiewicz and opened on November 26, 1955. The next museum exhibition opened in 1971 and, with certain changes, lasted until the end of the 1980s. In 1989-1990, the reconstruction of the Mickiewicz estate was carried out at the expense of the Belarusian side: The building was restored on the model of the early 19th century - an outbuilding was built, which is connected to the main building by an underground passage, as well as a barn, well, gazebo. A new exhibition was opened in the restored building on September 12, 1992.
The current exposition was opened on May 25, 2001, it is located in 5 halls.
The exposition of the 1st hall presents materials about the family of Adam Mickiewicz (documents, portraits of parents, brothers), finds from archaeological excavations in the poet's homeland in the village of Zaosye, Baranovichi district, textbooks for district schools, including a textbook on mathematics from 1772.
The exposition of the 2nd hall is connected with A. Mickiewicz's father and his law practice. Among the exhibits: copies of the minutes of court sessions, written in the hand of Nikolai Mickiewicz, objects of that time: an ink device, a 19th-century cabinet, which shows legal literature and books, including the Bible in French from 1775 and the Bible of the time of Adam Mickiewicz (1810).
In the 3rd hall (former living room), 19th-century furniture, porcelain and earthenware dishes of the late 18th and early 19th centuries, a table clock of the late 18th century, which were in 1822 in A.Mickiewicz's room in Vilno, materials about the poet's studies at the University of Vilna and the beginning of his work (manuscripts, first published books).
The exposition of the 4th hall is dedicated to the stay of A.Mickiewicz in St. Petersburg, Moscow. Here are copies of A.Mickiewicz's books published in Russia and other countries, copies of portraits of "A.Mickiewicz" Yu.Oleshkevich and "A.Mickiewicz on the mountain Ayu-Dag" by V.Vankovich, portraits of Russian poets and writers who admired the work of A.Mickiewicz, a grand piano and 19th century furniture.
The period of A. Mickiewicz's stay in Germany, Switzerland, Italy, and France is represented by the materials of the exposition of the 5th hall. Among the exhibits: portraits of the poet's wife and children, I. Goethe, F.Chopin, N. Orda, M. Oginsky, etc., a copy of the first edition of the poem "Pan Tadeusz", documents on A.Mickiewicz's stay in Turkey, a bronze model of the monument to the poet in Paris (1909), acquired by the museum in 1937 in Paris from the widow of the sculptor Antoine Bourdelle.
Today, the Adam Mickiewicz House Museum in Novogrudok is one of the most visited museums in the Grodno region. About 20 thousand people visit it every year. The excursions are conducted in Belarusian, Russian, and Polish.
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