Novogrudok. Belarusian Gymnasium
Belarus, Grodno region, Novogrudok, Sechko St., 1.
In the first half of the 20th century, a Belarusian gymnasium operated in Novogrudok, where many prominent Belarusian figures studied and worked. The gymnasium was opened in 1919 and closed during the Polish state in 1934. The institution was reopened with the advent of Soviet power in 1939, and the famous scientist and public figure Boris Kit (1910-2018) worked as its director. The building has been preserved to our time and now Secondary School No. 1 of the city of Novogrudok is working here.


Latitude: 53.61264779
Longitude: 25.82196947
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1Алег Дзьячкоу
Novogrudok. Belarusian Gymnasium
The building of the former Belarusian gymnasium has been preserved in the city of Novogrudok. The gymnasium was opened in 1919. After the Riga Peace of 1921 on the territory of the Polish state. The first principal was Jan Tsekhanovsky, who was elected by the students' parents. The educational institution existed at the expense of the parent committee. At first, the field of study was humanities, where languages were studied: Belarusian and Polish, German and French, as well as Latin as an elective. Gradually, the mathematical and natural science direction began to develop.
Various clubs worked at the institution: on Belarusian studies, world literature and natural sciences, choral and musical clubs, gymnasium orchestra and choir. To deepen their knowledge of the Russian language, the students compiled a dictionary for the works of the writer Yadvigin Sh, collected folklore, collected and studied local flora and fauna, and developed terminology. The students published a handwritten magazine "The lark".
In the summer of 1934, the Belarusian gymnasium was forcibly closed by order of the Polish authorities and many students transferred to the local Adam Mickiewicz Polish Gymnasium. Some of the students transferred to the Belarusian Gymnasium in Vilna. After the arrival of Soviet power in 1939, the work of the Belarusian gymnasium was restored. The director was the outstanding scientist Boris Kit (1910-2018).
For some time, the famous Belarusian artist and writer Yazep Drozdovich taught at the gymnasium.
The building is a three-story stone building, covered with a hip roof. Secondary school No. 1 of Novogrudok is currently operating in this building.
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