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Novaya Zhizn. The estate "Malye Doltsy".



Belarus, Vitebsk region, Ushachsky district, Novaya Zhizn, 5A





The estate "Malye Doltsy" in the village of Novaya Zhizn (New Life), Ushachy district, received the status of historical and cultural value in 2020. The eclectic manor house was built back in 1848 for the Verenko family. At the beginning of the 20th century, the estate belonged to the Sushchinsky family. In 1909, one of the first Belarusian plays, 'Mikhalka', was staged here.
Today, the object is included in the list of unused cultural values of the Vitebsk region for sale to potential investors.




Architectural monument

Architectural monument


Latitude: 54.985674
Longitude: 28.385865


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Reviews to the Place


Ольга Ерёменко


The estate "Malye Doltsy" in the village of Novaya Zhizn is a historical and cultural value of the Republic of Belarus.

The Verenko family owned the estate until the beginning of the 20th century, after which the estate passed into the possession of the Sushchinsky family. In 1909, one of the first Belarusian plays was staged here, 'Mikhalka', which was attended by local cultural and political figure Vaclav Ivanovsky, as well as the children of the estate's owners, Anna and Edward Sushchinsky. This event became an important milestone in the cultural life of the region and added historical significance to the estate.

In the post-war years, the estate was converted into a dormitory. As a result of improper operation of the heating system, a fire broke out in the building, and it was empty for several years.

Then, until 2013, the building belonged to the office of a local agricultural enterprise and was used for administrative purposes.

To date, the manor building has been mothballed. Fragments of an ancient park have been preserved next to it. 

At the end of December 2024, for the second time in recent years, the estate building was put up for auction. This historical value is in great need of repair and restoration work. It remains to be hoped that soon she will find her master and he will "breathe" new life into her.

The estate "Malye Doltsy" in the village of Novaya Zhizn, Ushachy district, is a significant object of historical cultural heritage. 


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