Nikolaevshchina. Memorial complex "Shlyakh Kolasa".
Belarus, Minsk region, Stolbtsovsky district, Nikolaevshchina
The Shlyakh Kolasa ('The Way of Yakub Kolas') Art and Memorial Complex was built in 1990-1992 and unites four memorial estates associated with the life and creative work of the classic of Belarusian literature - Okinchitsy, Smolnya, Lastok and Albut. All together they form a branch of the Yakub Kolas Museum "Nikolaevshchina". A certain period of Konstantin Mikhailovich Mickiewicz's (real name of the writer) life is associated with each of these settlements. The initiator of the organization of the art memorial complex was the head of the culture department of the Stolbtsy district executive committee and the director of the Yakub Kolas Museum in Minsk.


Latitude: 53.40940022
Longitude: 26.83778976
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1Ольга Ерёменко
The 'Kolas Shlyakh' Art and Memorial Complex in the Kolas Nature Reserve.
The complex is represented by wooden figures carved based on the writer's works, which thematically link memorial estates and places associated with the name of Yakub Kolas. The objects made of wood themselves are located along the Stolbtsy - Nikolaevshchina road with a retreat to the Albut' forest area. Next to the wooden figures are boulders with lines of famous poems by the poet.
The art memorial complex includes the compositions "I greet you with a Song", "The Path of the New Earthlings", "Uncle Yakub's Road".
Each of them pleases the heart and pleasantly surprises with its originality, originality and helps to feel the unique world of poetry by Yakub Kolas. Original wood carvers from Minsk, Grodno, and the villages of Tereblichi, Brest region are worked on the complex. To understand the poet's soul and to understand his work more deeply, it is necessary to visit the places where the years of his life passed. Only then can we form a correct idea of Yakub Kolas as a poet and a man.
In November 1882, the future famous writer and poet was born in the village of Okinchitsy. The Mickiewicz family lived here from 1881 to 1883. At that time it was a dungeon, which later turned into a village. On the territory of the estate there is a restored house, a barn, a well and a cellar. Among the exhibits there are items used by the Mickiewicz family: objects of peasant life, as well as analogues of those that have not survived to the present day.
Early childhood (from 3 to 8 years old) Yakub Kolas was held at the Lastok estate, 12 km away from the village of Nikolaevshchina. This is the only estate where there is an authentic house in which the Mickiewicz family lived. The house built in 1890 has been preserved, outbuildings have been restored. It was here that the action of "Symon the music" unfolded, because Symonka is Kolas himself, a little boy in the bosom of nature for whom everything around was magical, wonderful and beautiful.
In Albut', where you can visit the memorial estate today, Yakub Kolas spent his childhood and adolescence during the years 1890-1904. The estate is located at a distance of 5 km from the village, previously there was a forestry station here. It was here that the first poem of the future famous poet was written. Kolas described this estate in Novaya Zemlya as a Porechye. Today, a literary memorial exposition based on the poem has been created here. It consists of photographs of prototypes of heroes, manuscripts, publications of various years and household items of peasants of the 19th and 20th centuries. Here you can see the centuries-old oak trees that still remember the poet. Nearby you can find an apiary and an interesting person, an employee of the museum, who can tell a lot of new and interesting things about the estate. In the same years, Yakub Kolas attended the Nikolaevshchina National School.
The fourth object included in the artistic and literary complex is Smolnya. Today it is a literary memorial composition. Since 1912, the Mickiewicz family has lived here: the poet's mother, his uncle, brothers and sisters. It was here in August 1912 that Yakub Kolas had his first meeting with Yanka Kupala. The poet visited Smolny during 1911-1914, in 1940, and also after the war. The manor is mentioned in the trilogy "On rosstany".
In the sixties of the last century, a branch of the Yakub Kolas State Literary Memorial Museum was opened in Smolnya. It consists of two parts: memorial and literary. The interior was restored based on the memories of the poet's relatives. The estate has objects of the village life of that time, a barn, a threshing floor. The newly built two-storey building houses a literary exhibition. Lime trees, once planted by Yakub Kolas and now a natural monument, also grow here. 5 km from Smolnya, you can see the sign "Hell stone", that Kolas described in the poem "Novaya Zemlya" (The New land).
The branch's employees have developed interesting cycling, skiing and walking tours of the Kolas Memorial Estate.
The entire route is 25 km.
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