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The Myadel Calvary.



Belarus, Minsk region, Myadel, Myadel calvary





The Myadel Calvary is a unique historical and architectural complex located on the northern outskirts of the city of Myadel, Minsk region. The word "calvary" itself comes from the Latin name of Calvary – Calvaria. Now the calvary is a circular route that begins near the northern outskirts of the city of Myadel and symbolically repeats the path taken by Jesus Christ before the crucifixion.

By the 250th anniversary of the shrine, most of the chapels were reconstructed. Now 14 stations have been restored. The route is about 2 km long and runs on both sides of the R-27 highway through the forest. It starts on the right side of the highway and ends on the left on the Mountain of Three Crosses – the local equivalent of Golgotha. Myadelskaya is one of the ten most famous European calvaries.




Architectural monument

Architectural monument

Outdoor activity

Outdoor activity


Latitude: 54.8959971
Longitude: 26.9062947


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The Myadel calvary.

Calvaria is from the Latin name of Calvary – Calvaria. In the 15th century, Franciscan monks guarding the holy sites in Jerusalem brought images of Jesus' suffering to Europe. Christians followed the "Way of the Cross" as if they were following Jesus, stopping at every station to call Him and pray.


A special feature of the Carmelite monastery in Myadel was the Calvary, or the cross road, which is an exact copy of the way of the Cross in Jerusalem. The road was a complex of eight arches and twenty-one wooden chapels on a stone foundation. Each of them contained wooden figures and icons. The lighting of the Myadel Calvary took place on August 8, 1772. The ceremony lasted four days. The length of the Calvary was two kilometers, and was located on the edge of the town on a hill.

It was built by the owner of the Myadel, Anthony Koshitz. According to legend, it was created to atone for mortal sin. Anthony's little, only son drowned, and as punishment, the nanny was walled up alive. Anthony Koshitz, realizing what he had done, creates a copy of the cross road to save his soul.


At the beginning of the twentieth century, pilgrims from all over the world visited this place, but during the Soviet Union, the shrine no longer had religious significance, and it was destroyed. By the 250th anniversary of the calvary in Myadel, which fell in 2014, it was restored. Now it is a complex of 14 chapels. The starting point of the "Way of Christ" is located at the entrance arch (to the right of the R-27 highway at the exit from the city), and on the mountain of three Crosses (already to the left of the highway) the final one. A field altar has been built on the mountain of three Crosses. Two stones are embedded in the entrance gate of Forgiveness: from the Carmelite monastery from the city of Haifa in Israel and the Zebrzydowski Calvary from Poland.

Fragments of the walls and the foundation of the chapels from 1772 have been preserved.


Each of the chapels has its own plot. One composition depicts the imposition of the death sentence on Jesus, another demonstrates how he takes up the cross, then depicts the first fall of Christ under the weight of the cross, etc. The total length of the route is 2 km.

Calvaria presents such traditional paintings of the Sufferings of Christ:

·                    Jesus is being sentenced.

·                    He accepts the cross.

·                    The first fall.

· Christ meets his mother.

·                    Simon the Cyrenian helps him.

·                    Veronica wipes Christ's face with a handkerchief.

·                    The second fall;

·                    Jesus meets with the women of Jerusalem.

·                    The third fall.

·                    His clothes are being stripped off.

·                    Crucified on the cross.

·                    Death is coming.

·                    Jesus is being taken down from the cross.

·                    They are placed in a coffin.


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