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Mosty Pravye. The manor.



Belarus, Grodno region, Mostovsky district, Mosty Pravye





The Oznobishins' estate is located in the village of Mosty Pravye near the town of Mosty. The place has been known since the 15th century and was owned by many owners, including Queen Bona Sforza. In the 18th century, a manor was founded in the village. In the 19th century, the Oznobishins became the lords of the manor, who built a one-story stone palace at the end of the 19th century. After the war, there was a school in the house. In recent years, the building has been turned over to an Orthodox youth missionary center. The building has been renovated. The park and linden alley partially remained.




Park area

Park area

Architectural monument

Architectural monument


Latitude: 53.42435186
Longitude: 24.62526552


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Алег Дзьячкоу


Mosty Pravye. The manor.

Not far from the district town of Mosty there is a place called Mosty Pravye. Here in a small village there is a manor house, an old cemetery with a chapel and a new Catholic church. The place was first mentioned in the 15th century during the time of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. In 1537, the town was owned by Queen Bona Sforza.

 After 1589, the village became part of the Mosty key and became the center of the parish. The Mosty estate has been owned by Frantishka Karlovna Veleninova since 1801, as a legacy from her father. Her husband was a real state councilor. The estate was located on two banks of the Neman River and in 1845 consisted of the village of Sorok, the village of Bolshye Stephanishki and the village of Mosty. There were 4,472 tithes of land and 1,086 peasant souls.

In 1857, part of the estate belonged to Peter Veisnin, and the second part to Xavier Kashuba. There were 7,342 tithes of land at that time, including 2,181 tithes of pasture and 3,652 forests. 

In 1868, the estate was acquired by Princess Ekaterina Urusova. And in 1871, collegiate advisor Alexander Oznobishin. During the period of the Polish state in the interwar period, Mayoentak belonged to the Oznobishins.

 The manor was built in the second half of the 18th century on a high terrace of the Neman River. In 1845, the estate consisted of an old wooden house, a wooden servants' wing and a stone official. In the master's yard there were three Buns for livestock, buildings for hay and grain, and other utility rooms. The estate had a stone brewery, a watermill, a brick factory, a ferry across the river and three inns. There were three barns for storing and trading grain, which was rafted along the Neman.

 During the year, the estate generated a profit of 3,556 rubles in silver.

At the end of the 19th century, the Oznobishins built a new manor palace, which has survived to our time. The palace has been renovated in recent years and turned over to an Orthodox youth missionary center. The park has been partially preserved.

 There is a stone chapel in the local cemetery, which was used as the tomb of the Oznobishin family.


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