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Molodechno. The building of the former monastery (teachers' seminary).



Belarus, Minsk region, Molodechno district, Molodechno, Zamkovaya Street, 19





The building of the Teachers' Seminary in Molodechno, built in 1762 near the market square, is a significant historical building reflecting the architectural and cultural traditions of its time. It was built by the grandfather of the famous composer M.K. Oginsky, Tadeusz Ksawery Oginsky. It is a monument of late Baroque architecture.





Latitude: 54.321604
Longitude: 26.8726198


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Reviews to the Place


Ольга Ерёменко


The building of the first pedagogical educational institution in Belarus, the Teachers' Seminary in Molodechno, built in 1762.

In 1864, the first pedagogical educational institution in Belarus, the Molodechno Teachers' Seminary, was founded within the walls of this monastery, which became a very significant event. The Teachers' Seminary was organized with the aim of training qualified teachers for public schools. The seminary building has become the center of education and culture in the region, attracting students from different parts of Belarus.

A well–known Russian teacher, K.D. Ushinsky, worked on the program for her. Among the initiators of its creation were Prince A.P.Shirinsky-Shikhmatov, the trustee of the Vilna Educational District, Count M.N. Muravyov, the Governor–General of Vilna, and N.P. Avenarius, a well-known figure in public education, an archaeologist and a teacher.

It is known that the seminary trained teachers for elementary schools. Young men from the age of 17, who came from different classes, could study there, but the advantage was given to the children of peasants.  The term of study at the seminary was 2 years, from 1870 – 3 years, and from 1907 – 4 years. The seminary existed for 50 years. In 1915, she was transferred to Smolensk. Among the graduates of the seminary there were such famous people as F.I.Volynets, M.Charot. 

The seminary had a library of 3,500 volumes, a museum, a theater, a choir, a meteorological station, and a symphony orchestra. There was also a church and a hospital at the seminary .

The seminary building is designed in a style typical of the mid-19th century, with elements of the late Baroque. The building is distinguished by its symmetry, strict lines and expressive architectural details. These elements emphasize the importance of the educational institution and its role in society.

Today, the Teachers' seminary building is not only an architectural monument, but also an important part of the cultural heritage of Molodechno. It attracts the attention of tourists and researchers interested in the history of education in Belarus.

The building of the Teachers' Seminary in Molodechno is not just a building, but a symbol of the educational traditions and cultural development of the region, which continues to inspire new generations.



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