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Mogilev. Square of Stars.



Belarus, Mogilev, Leninskaya street, 47





The Star Square is a square in the historical center of Mogilev, dividing the pedestrian Leninskaya Street into two parts. Here is an original landmark and decoration of the city - the only monument to the Stargazer in the world, as well as a large sundial.


With children

With children

Outdoor activity

Outdoor activity


Latitude: 53.902303
Longitude: 30.340739


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Reviews to the Place


Ольга Ерёменко


The Star Square is the calling card of Mogilev. The only monument to the Stargazer in the world.

The bronze sculpture of the Stargazer was installed in the center of the square in 2004. Its height is 7 meters. The Stargazer, sitting on a chair, looks into a 4-meter-high telescope, which in turn is the hand of a sundial. Around the Stargazer we see a dial: twelve chairs are arranged in a circle. Each chair is intended for its own zodiac sign. All those who visit this square for the first time are sure to be offered by the townspeople to find the chair of their sign, sit on it and make a wish. There is a belief that if you make a wish here, it will definitely come true. It is also recommended to reach for the Stargazer's finger, which he points to the sky, rub it, and this will bring good luck in all endeavors.

On the same square, personal stars of outstanding natives and residents of Mogilev, who made their distinctive contribution to the development of industry, science, culture, and construction, are laid. Tourists can also see the operating Rodina cinema here, built in 1939. Various cafes and branded stores of Belarusian enterprises are located nearby.

The Star Square is the calling card of Mogilev, which arouses the interest of city guests and is of great interest to local residents. The square is a wonderful addition to the beloved pedestrian street. Street musicians perform here on weekends, and various concerts and events take place on holidays.

This is a great place to relax and take original photos.


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