Mogilev. Memorial to the "Fighters for Soviet Power".
Belarus, Mogilev region, Mogilev, Glory Square.
There is a memorial in the very historical center of the city of Mogilev on the Square of Glory"To the fighters for Soviet power." The monument was created on the high bank of the Dnieper River, from where an unusual panorama opens. The memorial consists of a monument and 5 steles telling about the Soviet period of the Mogilev region. In the center of the composition is the Eternal Flame. The memorial has historical and aesthetic value.


Architectural monument

Outdoor activity
Latitude: 53.8939456
Longitude: 30.33023181
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1Алег Дзьячкоу
Mogilev. Memorial to "Fighters for Soviet power".
The oldest square in the city of Mogilev is the Square of Glory. It was originally called the trade, and then the Governor's. In Soviet times, the square was called Sovetskaya Square and a few years ago it was renamed the Square of Glory.
After the Great Patriotic War, a memorial called "Fighters for Soviet Power" was created on the square. The monument is dedicated to the achievements of the Soviet government in the Mogilev region. The memorial was created on Sovetskaya Square in 1982 on the high bank of the Dnieper River. The monument was created by a whole creative team with the participation of sculptor L. Gumilyevsky, architect K. Alekseev and A. Ivanov. Initially, a city competition was held to create a memorial and several variants of the monument were considered. One of the options was that the statue should have been turned towards the Dnieper River, with its back to the square. But the townspeople also came up with a nickname for the monument that turned out to be "Oksana, running from lavsan." After all, in the distance beyond the Dnieper, outside the city, you can see the tall pipes of the Lavsan chemical plant.
The architectural dominant feature of the memorial is a bronze figure of a woman, 7 meters high, located on a granite pedestal. The height of the pedestal is 13 meters. In front of the monument there are five steles with bronze bas-reliefs telling about the Soviet period of Mogilev region: the revolution of 1917, collectivization, the defense of Mogilev in the summer of 1941, the partisan movement and the restoration of our region after the war. An Eternal Flame is burning in the center of the memorial near the monument. The area on the memorial is lined with stone.
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