Mogilev. Vidorovich's house.
Belarus, Mogilev region, Mogilev, Leninskaya str., 40.
On a guided tour in the ancient city of Mogilev, you will see buildings of different architectural styles and different eras. The largest number of architectural monuments in the city has been preserved on the pedestrian Leninskaya Street, the former Vetrenaya ('Windy') and Bolshaya Sadovaya. If you walk from the Square of Stars to the Square of Glory, then on the right side you will see a stone two–storey building with an unusual decor on the main facade - with mascarons. The 19th century building. It was built as an apartment building. Before the war, there was a museum of local lore here. Now there are shops and residential apartments here.


Architectural monument
Latitude: 53.901278
Longitude: 30.3394583
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1Алег Дзьячкоу
Mogilev. Vidorovich's house.
On the pedestrian Leninskaya street in the city of Mogilev there is an unusual building with mascarons - this is the former apartment building of Vidorovich.
The house was built in the 19th century and was rented out. There were shops on the ground floor, and residential apartments and offices on the second floor. According to the memoirs of old-timers, in pre-revolutionary times, it was in this apartment building that Princess Obolenskaya lived in winter, who in the warm season lived on her estate in Cherikov district in the town of Gorki.
In Soviet times, there was a museum of local lore in the building, which housed many valuable exhibits. Among the museum staff was the famous Belarusian and Russian historian and archaeologist Vasily Rodionovich Tarasenko (1899-1972). V. Tarasenko graduated from the Moscow Archaeological Institute. He worked first in Smolensk, and then moved to Mogilev. He was an employee of the museum and the pedagogical Institute. He conducted archaeological excavations in the Mogilev region. After the war, he lived and worked in Minsk. During excavations in Minsk, Nemiga found the foundation of the oldest church in the city, which dates back to the 12th century. Now there is a memorial sign at that place.
During the defense of the city of Mogilev, unfortunately, they did not have time to evacuate the exhibits of the museum and the building burned down in the summer of 1941 along with all the exhibits. After the war, the building was restored and given over to residential apartments. In recent years, the monument has been restored. There are shops and cafes on the ground floor, and residential apartments on the second floor.
The main facade of the building is decorated with stucco decoration with mascarons. Mascaron is a decorative relief in the form of a mask, on which there is an image of the human form.
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