Minsk. Museum of the History of Medicine of Belarus.
Belarus, Minsk, Fabritiusa str., 28
There are many fascinating and famous museums in Minsk, where new exhibitions are constantly taking place. However, few locals and tourists know about the Museum of the History of Medicine of Belarus, which is the best in its field in the country! The museum's exposition covers various stages of the development of medicine in Belarus, from ancient times to the end of the 20th century.


Latitude: 53.8870922
Longitude: 27.534883
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Reviews to the Place
1Ольга Ерёменко
The Museum of the History of Medicine of Belarus covers various stages of the development of medicine in Belarus, from ancient times to the end of the 20th century.
The Museum of the History of Medicine of Belarus has an interesting permanent exhibition "The development of medicine in Belarus from ancient times to the end of the 20th century."
Only here you can admire the photographs of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the work of an unknown German artist of the 19th century "Allegory of Medicine", archaeological artifacts, pharmacy supplies of the past centuries, as well as therapeutic, surgical and otorhinolaryngological instruments of the first half of the 20th century. You will also find personal belongings and awards of nurses, doctors, professors and other prominent medical figures.
Museum visitors will be able to learn about the epidemic in Polotsk, about the diseases that our ancestors most often suffered from.
The museum's exposition is of interest to both specialists and those who are not related to medicine. On the tour you will get acquainted with many interesting facts about the development of medicine in Belarus and its history, as well as about the development of medical education in the country.
The tour to this museum is very informative. The modern museum contains very interesting exhibits. It's not just the doctors who are interested here. All the facts, tools, objects of medical life and practice are collected here with a love for medicine and with an interest in its origin and development. Looking at the exhibits, you realize that each item has its own story and it is very interesting.
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